Okay, first post here. 
Disclaimer: I own a fair share of evil ideas but I don’t own CSI or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sara definitely found herself in some form of suspended reality because that was something Greg could not have done. No doubt about that. SaraGreg
Author: gregsandersfan aka kegel
Thanks to Emmithar for betareading!
Beyond a Doubt
Chapter 1
“Greg, stop,“ Sara pleaded laughing, lying halfway on the bench in the locker room of the crime lab, Greg leaning over her, laughing as well. He drew back slowly and she sat up, grinning at him, slightly flushed, and looking nervously for a split-second into the direction of the hallway. Nobody was to be seen.
Greg smiled broadly but raised his eyebrows. “You weren’t so hesitant when we were at my place earlier.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “Greg, you wouldn’t want Ecklie to grill us when he finds out what we’re doing on company time,” she argued, nevertheless leaning in again to press another kiss on his lips which caused him to break into another grin. Okay, company time would officially start in five minutes so they were theoretically still off the clock. Still, an audience would not be after Sara’s taste.
“Besides,” she added, “it hasn’t been just your place for a full six months now.” She stood up from the bench, walking around him towards the entrance of the room, looking back at him. It had been six months now since she had moved in with him.
“It’s been so long already that you’re ordering me around?” Greg joked, looking over his shoulder at her.
Sara shook her head. “No, that started way earlier.” She turned to go, winking at him.
Greg jumped up. “True. Only now you’re doing it even when we’re not on shift,” he said, while they were leaving the room, walking out into the hallway.
“Get over it,” Sara said simply.
“And I have the feeling you’re so enjoying it,” Greg smiled at her, seeing Grissom coming up to them in the distance, apparently extruding an aura of work.
“Oh, yes, I do,” Sara told Greg quietly before their boss was near enough to hear them.
“Hey.” Grissom stopped in front of the couple and handed Sara a slip of paper without hesitance.
“Assault in a hotel at the Strip,” he said while she was reading over it, and added, now addressing Greg, “And you’re with me tonight. Triple homicide.”
“Great,” Greg commented laconically, turning to Sara again who was still looking at the paper in her hand.
“So say goodbye to Sara, we’re off in five,” Grissom suggested, apparently indifferently. What his two colleagues did while they were off the clock did not lay in his concern. Grissom told himself that firmly. It did not lay in his concern as long it did not affect their work. As long it did not affect their work negatively, considering that Greg and Sara had actually developed a high success rate together, even though that had been before they had started… this. But so far that had not changed.
“Goodbye, Sara.” Greg grinned at her.
“Goodbye, Greg,” she replied winking, already walking back to the locker room from where they had just come. She turned away from him and Greg concentrated his attention at Grissom. Sara realized that they had maybe appeared a little too giggly. She should really get herself together; otherwise people would think she really spent company time on doing things with Greg that belonged strictly in their private time.
The warm, fuzzy feeling hadn’t completely left Sara yet when she was driving up the road towards the hotel. This feeling had actually inhabited her for most of the time since she had moved in with Greg, more precisely since she had started seeing him. He always had a way to make her feel warm inside, and even though they were now together for almost a year, she often found herself still not able to stop grinning at times, only thinking of him and their time together.
She parked her car in front of the hotel, and after getting her kit out of the trunk, she made her way into the building. She saw Sofia in the hall inside, talking to an upset looking woman who Sara estimated to be near the end of her twenties. She had a wound on her forehead that had apparently been treated by the nearby EMT.
Sara approached them slowly, catching Sofia’s gaze. The other woman nodded and Sara came up completely to them.
“Hey,” she greeted them, turning her attention then on the presumable victim. “I’m Sara Sidle. I’m with the crime lab. Can you tell me what happened or do you want Ms. Curtis,” she pointed at Sofia briefly, “to do it?”
The woman shook her head. “No, it’s okay.” She took a deep breath and Sara observed the cuts and bruises in the woman’s face, some of which had probably not come to full-blow yet, their real extent would probably not be seen before some more time had passed.
“I was just opening the door of my hotel room, and that guy came up from behind. He held his hand over my mouth and shoved me into the room.”
She stopped and Sara nodded encouragingly.
“He hit me over and over… and he tried… He didn’t do it though. I think somebody on the floor heard me screaming and called something… I can’t really remember… he was gone then, I don’t know how long I’ve been lying there before I went out…”
Sara could imagine it very well that the woman did not have a clear remembrance of what had happened, as she could smell the scent of alcohol coming from her.
Their further questions did not help them any further, and the only description that the victim was able to give them was “male, white”, and that alone would probably not bring them very far either. So Sara decided quickly to return to her actual job, processing crime scenes, collecting evidence, analyzing it. It would help them more than the statement of the victim. Sofia would be the one who would have to handle that. That was her job; Sara’s was a different one.
Sara walked to the hotel room in the second floor that had been secured and taped off. She stooped under the tape and saw on first glance that the hotel room was a mess. She would only have to figure out what part of the chaos had been there before and what part had come during the assault. The walls of the room were painted in a deep ocean blue and a sandy yellow that gave the room a beach impression.
It reminded Sara of her planned vacation with Greg. They had been planning on it for months and if work did not get in their way, they would be heading off in two weeks time.
It had been forever since Sara had actually taken vacation. The last time she had been forced to. But somehow she liked the prospect of spending some quiet days alone with Greg. Or not so quiet after all, considering the part about Greg.
Finally Sara pulled her thoughts away from those pleasant things again to focus on her task at hand.
After she had taken photos for a general overview Sara went to look for semen on the single bed in the room. The victim had told them that nothing had actually happened. They would know anyway at the end of the day after her examination at the hospital if that had only been denial, or maybe lack of memory. Surprisingly to her Sara did not find any traces of semen on the bed. Not only did it almost confirm the victim’s statement – safe for the fact that it could have happened on the floor – it also showed that the sheets on the bed were actually quite fresh, what surprised Sara and her aversion to hotel rooms.
She had actually thought more than once about the possibilities of her examining the sheets of the beds before she had to sleep in a hotel room somewhere. She and Greg would actually go camping and while she was not happy about the prospect of all kinds of small animals that she could probably take back for Grissom as a gift, she was glad that she would be able to sleep in her very own sleeping bag, or maybe in Greg’s very own one.
Sara picked up the blanket that was lying next to the bed with gloved hands, intending to examine it as well when her attention was drawn to something that seemed to have been lying between the folds of the blanket. She made another picture of what she realized was a wallet, before she picked it up. It did not look anything out of the ordinary on the outside. Sara opened it carefully. Maybe the case would be solved quicker than expected, if the assailant had left an ID behind. In the inside she did not find anything extraordinary either, that was until she drew out the driver’s license that was in the wallet. She looked at the picture, looked at the name, looked at the date of birth.
She sank weakly on the bed behind her. The first thought that reached her mind was the question why Greg had not told her that he had been in a hotel. The second thought was the convincement that she found herself in some form of suspended reality.
Disclaimer: I own a fair share of evil ideas but I don’t own CSI or any of its characters.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sara definitely found herself in some form of suspended reality because that was something Greg could not have done. No doubt about that. SaraGreg
Author: gregsandersfan aka kegel
Thanks to Emmithar for betareading!
Beyond a Doubt
Chapter 1
“Greg, stop,“ Sara pleaded laughing, lying halfway on the bench in the locker room of the crime lab, Greg leaning over her, laughing as well. He drew back slowly and she sat up, grinning at him, slightly flushed, and looking nervously for a split-second into the direction of the hallway. Nobody was to be seen.
Greg smiled broadly but raised his eyebrows. “You weren’t so hesitant when we were at my place earlier.”
Sara rolled her eyes. “Greg, you wouldn’t want Ecklie to grill us when he finds out what we’re doing on company time,” she argued, nevertheless leaning in again to press another kiss on his lips which caused him to break into another grin. Okay, company time would officially start in five minutes so they were theoretically still off the clock. Still, an audience would not be after Sara’s taste.
“Besides,” she added, “it hasn’t been just your place for a full six months now.” She stood up from the bench, walking around him towards the entrance of the room, looking back at him. It had been six months now since she had moved in with him.
“It’s been so long already that you’re ordering me around?” Greg joked, looking over his shoulder at her.
Sara shook her head. “No, that started way earlier.” She turned to go, winking at him.
Greg jumped up. “True. Only now you’re doing it even when we’re not on shift,” he said, while they were leaving the room, walking out into the hallway.
“Get over it,” Sara said simply.
“And I have the feeling you’re so enjoying it,” Greg smiled at her, seeing Grissom coming up to them in the distance, apparently extruding an aura of work.
“Oh, yes, I do,” Sara told Greg quietly before their boss was near enough to hear them.
“Hey.” Grissom stopped in front of the couple and handed Sara a slip of paper without hesitance.
“Assault in a hotel at the Strip,” he said while she was reading over it, and added, now addressing Greg, “And you’re with me tonight. Triple homicide.”
“Great,” Greg commented laconically, turning to Sara again who was still looking at the paper in her hand.
“So say goodbye to Sara, we’re off in five,” Grissom suggested, apparently indifferently. What his two colleagues did while they were off the clock did not lay in his concern. Grissom told himself that firmly. It did not lay in his concern as long it did not affect their work. As long it did not affect their work negatively, considering that Greg and Sara had actually developed a high success rate together, even though that had been before they had started… this. But so far that had not changed.
“Goodbye, Sara.” Greg grinned at her.
“Goodbye, Greg,” she replied winking, already walking back to the locker room from where they had just come. She turned away from him and Greg concentrated his attention at Grissom. Sara realized that they had maybe appeared a little too giggly. She should really get herself together; otherwise people would think she really spent company time on doing things with Greg that belonged strictly in their private time.
The warm, fuzzy feeling hadn’t completely left Sara yet when she was driving up the road towards the hotel. This feeling had actually inhabited her for most of the time since she had moved in with Greg, more precisely since she had started seeing him. He always had a way to make her feel warm inside, and even though they were now together for almost a year, she often found herself still not able to stop grinning at times, only thinking of him and their time together.
She parked her car in front of the hotel, and after getting her kit out of the trunk, she made her way into the building. She saw Sofia in the hall inside, talking to an upset looking woman who Sara estimated to be near the end of her twenties. She had a wound on her forehead that had apparently been treated by the nearby EMT.
Sara approached them slowly, catching Sofia’s gaze. The other woman nodded and Sara came up completely to them.
“Hey,” she greeted them, turning her attention then on the presumable victim. “I’m Sara Sidle. I’m with the crime lab. Can you tell me what happened or do you want Ms. Curtis,” she pointed at Sofia briefly, “to do it?”
The woman shook her head. “No, it’s okay.” She took a deep breath and Sara observed the cuts and bruises in the woman’s face, some of which had probably not come to full-blow yet, their real extent would probably not be seen before some more time had passed.
“I was just opening the door of my hotel room, and that guy came up from behind. He held his hand over my mouth and shoved me into the room.”
She stopped and Sara nodded encouragingly.
“He hit me over and over… and he tried… He didn’t do it though. I think somebody on the floor heard me screaming and called something… I can’t really remember… he was gone then, I don’t know how long I’ve been lying there before I went out…”
Sara could imagine it very well that the woman did not have a clear remembrance of what had happened, as she could smell the scent of alcohol coming from her.
Their further questions did not help them any further, and the only description that the victim was able to give them was “male, white”, and that alone would probably not bring them very far either. So Sara decided quickly to return to her actual job, processing crime scenes, collecting evidence, analyzing it. It would help them more than the statement of the victim. Sofia would be the one who would have to handle that. That was her job; Sara’s was a different one.
Sara walked to the hotel room in the second floor that had been secured and taped off. She stooped under the tape and saw on first glance that the hotel room was a mess. She would only have to figure out what part of the chaos had been there before and what part had come during the assault. The walls of the room were painted in a deep ocean blue and a sandy yellow that gave the room a beach impression.
It reminded Sara of her planned vacation with Greg. They had been planning on it for months and if work did not get in their way, they would be heading off in two weeks time.
It had been forever since Sara had actually taken vacation. The last time she had been forced to. But somehow she liked the prospect of spending some quiet days alone with Greg. Or not so quiet after all, considering the part about Greg.
Finally Sara pulled her thoughts away from those pleasant things again to focus on her task at hand.
After she had taken photos for a general overview Sara went to look for semen on the single bed in the room. The victim had told them that nothing had actually happened. They would know anyway at the end of the day after her examination at the hospital if that had only been denial, or maybe lack of memory. Surprisingly to her Sara did not find any traces of semen on the bed. Not only did it almost confirm the victim’s statement – safe for the fact that it could have happened on the floor – it also showed that the sheets on the bed were actually quite fresh, what surprised Sara and her aversion to hotel rooms.
She had actually thought more than once about the possibilities of her examining the sheets of the beds before she had to sleep in a hotel room somewhere. She and Greg would actually go camping and while she was not happy about the prospect of all kinds of small animals that she could probably take back for Grissom as a gift, she was glad that she would be able to sleep in her very own sleeping bag, or maybe in Greg’s very own one.
Sara picked up the blanket that was lying next to the bed with gloved hands, intending to examine it as well when her attention was drawn to something that seemed to have been lying between the folds of the blanket. She made another picture of what she realized was a wallet, before she picked it up. It did not look anything out of the ordinary on the outside. Sara opened it carefully. Maybe the case would be solved quicker than expected, if the assailant had left an ID behind. In the inside she did not find anything extraordinary either, that was until she drew out the driver’s license that was in the wallet. She looked at the picture, looked at the name, looked at the date of birth.
She sank weakly on the bed behind her. The first thought that reached her mind was the question why Greg had not told her that he had been in a hotel. The second thought was the convincement that she found herself in some form of suspended reality.