Would you like to become a CSI ? And why ?
Life beats the movie so i think in real life cases won't be so easy and would take a lot of time to solve one. And sometimes i thing you may overlook some evidence ... i don't know really ... but i think that being a CSI , or anyking of police ( detectives .. not patrol or that kinda' ) is really hard.
But if i would have the Opportunity i would take it . And i would really have to choose it good. I`m still young ..i mean 16 years old..my future isn't decided yet . I maybe i would try to get a job in forensics ...
What do u think about it ? Would you like to became
a C S I ?
Life beats the movie so i think in real life cases won't be so easy and would take a lot of time to solve one. And sometimes i thing you may overlook some evidence ... i don't know really ... but i think that being a CSI , or anyking of police ( detectives .. not patrol or that kinda' ) is really hard.
But if i would have the Opportunity i would take it . And i would really have to choose it good. I`m still young ..i mean 16 years old..my future isn't decided yet . I maybe i would try to get a job in forensics ...
What do u think about it ? Would you like to became