"Backfire" Discussion **SPOILERS**

1) Since when is Brass friends with strippers?

2) Why is DB's granddaughter just starting to be afraid now when she was kidnapped 6 months ago?

3) What happened to Hodges' wife?
Two things which bugged me though:

- One line I thought that came off as cringe-worthingly bad was when Nick looks into the camera and says "we're gonna hunt them down". The combination of the camera angle, the choppy editing and George's delivery made it seem like Nick was trying to channel Horatio... and it was bad. Note to the director, don't try anything like that again please. :rolleyes:

That's pretty annoying, isn't it? I hate that. I hated it with H, though I loved him, and I hate it with Mac and/or anyone else. It's never cool but ridiculous.

Oh and regarding the day shift/grave shift discussion, I think I'm right in thinking that any crime which gets called in between midnight - 8am gets sent to grave shift, so it looks like both cases were early rollout calls. That's my explanation for why they were working in the day.

This might be true, yet it doesn't explain to me why they're all working day and night as if they never went home? In the early episodes they used to have breakfast after their shift ended, and it ended for everybody in the morning, but these days they work a 12 hours shift and then another shift followed by another shift...:wtf: they're at work at all times, though when their shift ends, I thought they would go home and come back later when their new (grave) shift starts. I'm always confused by their working hours. Oh, and this is why the show shifted from being set mainly at night to be set mainly at daytime.
1) Since when is Brass friends with strippers?
Why not Brass? He's a cop so their paths could have crossed any number of ways. Since it's already been shown that he has a soft spot for girls about Ellie's age who are in trouble, maybe he helped her out in the past like he tried to help the prostitute in "Strip Maul".

And that "we're gonna hunt them down" line by Nick made me laugh out loud. Cringe-worthy bad pretty much sums it up.
Hooray, another case-centred episode! Hubby and I just might be fans again. First off, it was appropriate that they didn't do "the joke" right before the opening credits. Nice change of pace. And yes, there was a personal element with DB and the little girl, but they didn't glop it on the way they have so much this season. And even though DB was more front and center, there was a nice balance between all the cast members. Second week in a row for a thumbs-up from me!