Anyone show dogs?

Okay I know this is a weird question but I show dogs and I was just wondering if anyone else here did. I don't care what in, be it conformation, obedience, hunt trials or even 4-H. I'm just curious.
I'll post about my dogs later, now I have to go eat.
OMG I soooo want to someday. I'm saving up for a Shiba Inu right now and I hope to show it. Either that or do I think obedience trials? I can't remember what they're called, lol
Shiba's are fun little dogs. I know a lady who shows them in conformatoin. At the last show she was having problems with one of her puppies not putting it's tail up in the ring. It was so cute!
Yep they are called obedience trials. If you ever have any questions on anything from housetraining, to teaching a puppy to stand (stack) for the show ring just ask. I would be more then happy to help.

I hope you do indeed get your Shiba! I'm warning you now that showing dogs is contagious and once bitten by the show-bug there is no going back.
Okay in the interest of keeping my above reply relatively short here is what I do with my dogs.

I currently have five dogs.
Beagle (15 inch)named Geordi after Geordi La Forge on Star Trek:TNG. I show him with the AKC in conformation. He is doing very well. At our last show we beat a special (champion)for Best of Breed! I also have trained him to do all the novice obedience exercises. We have yet to compete in obedience. He does many tricks as well. We also dabble in some canine freestyle.

Brittany- I just got this guy a couple months ago from a man wwho does field trials. I was planning on showing him but his front legs are crooked. He wriggled his way into my heart and now we are going to do Obedience and Agility. We are hoping to enter our first obedience trial in July of this year! His name is Paris after Tom Paris on Star Trek: Voyager.

American Cocker Spaniel/Beagle mix-this little gal was my first show dog. Granted we did 4-H but hey she got me started. I retired her last year due to knee problems, but we were up to open obedience and off-leash agility. Her name is Kes after the Ocampan on Star Trek: Voyager.

Terrier Mix- I did a couple terrier trials with this dog. We did very well. Right now we are dabbling a bit in flyball and flying disc as she LOVES to play ball and frisbee. Her name is Scruffy.

Collie/St.Bernard mix- this guy weighing in at 110 pounds is the biggest baby you will ever meet. He is a farm dog but a loved and spoiled one at that. I have alway been meaning to get him into therapy work but he is getting a bit old for that now I fear. His name is Chipper.

Okay those are all my dogs. As you can see I like to have my hand in a bit of everything where they are concerned. I love everything about dogs; the training, the competition, the grooming, but most of all the companionship!

Sorry that got so long. I really do love this stuff. *blush*
I do not show them, but I rescue them all the time.

If you go to my home page you will see our sanctuary website address.

I rescue all breeds from Chi's, to even a Moscow watchdog once (yes it is a breed,if you click on our happy tails you will see him he was adopted by a Vet in our area at the age of 5 months he weighed 85lbs!)

We spay and neuter everything here (for obvious reasons) and sadly the show rings exclude them when they are spayed and neutered :(
wow lol. I've rescued dogs too, and plan to do so in the future, actually the Shiba and possibly a Mexican hairless are the only purebreds I plan to get :) I also want to be a behaviorist for a shelter near here, and I plan to start classes for it really soon. Dogs are kind of a passion of mine, lol.

CSIdoglover54 I'd love any info you have about anything! And what is 4-H?
gregslabmouse-4-H is a youth organizatoin that is popular in the midwest. It started as something for farm kids to do, show cattle, pigs, horses. It has now evolved to include showing dogs. You can compete in obedience, showmanship, agility, and trick classes. The best part is that any kid can compete and you do not have to have a purebred dog. I got started in this, already having an interest in AKC showing. It was through 4-H that I showed my parents that I wasn't going throgh a phase; that dogs were very much what I wanted to do with my life.

Shibas and Xolo's huh, that is a fun combinatoin. I wish the CXolo was recognized by the AKC. I wonder if it would call them Mexian Hairless or by their mexican name which looks impmpossible to pronounce. Xolo is an abbreviation for that name. Pronounced "sholow" or so I have been told.

I am not sure of where you live, but if you are in the US adn around the midwestern area if you go to the website you can find a listing of all upcoming AKC shows. You get show dates, closing times for entries, breed counts and more. Once you have a dog you plan to show you can even enter it via this website. We do it all the time.

You can also get on their mailing list and receive premium lists of the upcoming shows that onofrio sponsors. They are alittle booklet that tells you when/where the show is. They also include entry forms for when you are going to enter a dog.
There are other sponsors of dog shows too. I'm pretty sure it's a different sponsor out on the coasts and stuff. If you are in the US I can try and look that up for you. I've always wondered anyways.

If you are in another country, I have alot of knowledge on the other kennel clubs around the world, so I may be of some help.

if ya can't tell by now I am a wordy's a curse.
lol I see that :p

I live in Utah, lol, I'm not sure if that counts as midwestern? I failed geography... lol

I never knew how to pronounce Xolo before, lol, thanks. I know the full name has like... 200 letters and I always end up spelling it wrong, :lol:

I remember 4-H! We never got to do anything with dogs though, just horses... I think I'm a little old to join that now anyway :p
I'm aging out this year. I've spent more time helping the other kids with their dogs then working with mine. We still do good though.

Hmm, I don't know if Utah is covered by onofrio or not. Well now I'm curious....

Yeah I know that name, isn't their like a 'z' in their so confusing!
yeah it's like Xolocuntztle or something, lol. Hang on I have it in the book here...

Xoloitzcuintle, there we go! :p

What is CXolo? Is that like the coated kind?
hmm I've never heard of that *runs to google it*

Do you know they have coated puppies born in each litter. I know that Chinese Crested Dogs alway have at least one to keep the litter warm.

Where did you hear about the CXolo? Was that a typo of mine somewhere *blush*

I'll get back to ya on that
okay well I visited a few sites and I found that there are two varities; the hairless and the coated but none of them differeniated in breed name. Although I could see the 'C' in front of Xolo being an easy way to say what variation the dog is.
lol you said CXolo earlier somewhere :) sorry it confused me :p

I think the coated ones are cuter, and they always have interesting markings, but I think I read somewhere that coated ones aren't "official" breed dogs or something like that, so they can't compete in anything.
CSIdoglover54 said:
gregslabmouse-4-H is a youth organizatoin that is popular in the midwest. It started as something for farm kids to do, show cattle, pigs, horses. It has now evolved to include showing dogs. You can compete in obedience, showmanship, agility, and trick classes. The best part is that any kid can compete and you do not have to have a purebred dog. I got started in this, already having an interest in AKC showing. It was through 4-H that I showed my parents that I wasn't going throgh a phase; that dogs were very much what I wanted to do with my life.

Ha! 4H is international thing, I've been member of it whole my life... well not anymore because I didn't pay the membership but 4H is much more than just these animals shows. They have youth exchange and at least the club what I ran for two years... we baked and cooked and went to trips and swimming hall and were part of exhibition and at least here they one one big camp in summertime where comes people from all over the world. Of course clubs are usually for kids 12 and under but you can be a member your whole life :D

I am sorry, I got excited :p

My brother shows his three dogs... well, not so much anymore because he has got what he wanted. For his Finnish hound it did ok, the colouring isn't quite good so he'll never make to the top dogs but it's so lovely breed. Then I think his German Hunt Terrier he'll be taking to show next winter - not sure. But his best dog, Norwegian elk hound called Rolex is amazing dog. So beautiful and that damn dog can even smile :p One show he got BOB and BIS (so basicly won everything you can you win in a show) he got three certificates in show which means he is FIN Champion and also his has been in a field and is also FIN Work Champion.
We actually have a Mexican Hairless Rescue here in Ontario as well!

Rescuing is very interesting Gregslabmouse and never ending.

We take in all breeds (I often say I am a jack of all trades, master of absolutely NOTHING LOL!) but there are also pure bred rescues out there.

We take in mixes, pure, big ones, little ones, does not matter. Of course we also help cats in need too. Made it interesting when we took in the Mom Husky (she was abused and needed her front leg amputated) and her 7 baby boys. At first the Mom thought the cats were dinner, until our very dog savy cats put her in her place!

I do not have a favourite breed per sé, however we do seem to get alot of black, large dogs in here. They are always the last ones to be adopted at shelters and the first ones PTS. Our Sanctuary seems to have a soft spot for them :)