Anyone here an actual CSI?



Anyone here on the forum who actually works at the crime labs? i would like to know how it is and is it anything like in the movies?
no, but my brother's girlfriend's brother (confusing, i know) is. He has been for about a year now. But if you want someone more experieanced, there's always my brother in law's dad's friend (yet agian, confusing) He's been in it for about 8 years now. AND... My friend's step-brother, he has been in for about... well, he hasnt really, still in college! They all said it was hell to get to where they are now, and my friends step-brother say's he might drop out of school cause its just to hard!

any questions?
lol wow sweet. i guess being a CSI runs in the family. yeah actually i have a few.. does anyone who you know actually work in the lab and out side it too? because yesterday there was an article that forensic scientists dont go outside the lab...but CSIs do? i thought being a CSI and a forensic scientist is the same thing but apparently its lol
I used to work in the police impound yard. So I used to get them coming in when there were stolen cars, or accidents, or a murder (the murder part didn't happen all that often)
There are usually the field agents, called CSIs (crime scene investigators) or SOCOs (scene of crime officers) who go to the scene of the crime. Fictional examples are Grissom, Catherine, Callie, Hawkes, Taylor and others, Then there are the labrats like Hodges and Valera. And don't forget medical examiners, like Doc Robbins and Dr Alexx Woods, that do work in the field and the morgue. But a forensics expert can be an expert in one or more areas, such as handwriting analysis, DNA, anthropology, ballistics, fingerprints, and much more.
You guys are lucky. However , I know someone from CSIGAMER.COM who has since become a CSI and works in the Allegheny County , PA crime lab.
I have a friend who is a CSI and he's given me a whole kit - the outfit for crime scenes and everything!! He's awesome. I've even used the $3000 UV lights. lol.

As for the lab part - I'm working in a biochemistry lab and it's fabulous so I'm around alot of "lab rats" if you will - although they're probably smarter then all the doctors and consultants lol.

I've been working as a forensic scientist for over 7 years now. My areas of specialty are firearms identification, controlled substances analysis, and blood alcohol determination.

I can't say that for someone like me who works "in the lab" (higher pay than field work in my area) the TV drama shows like CSI don't accurately reflect what we do. Shows like Forensic Files, New Detectives (other Court TV/Discovery shows) that showcase real cases are much more realistic.

I've been out on about 4 crime scenes in my career. Three were huge drug seizures, and another was a firearm the officers wanted to know was a fully automatic weapon or not.
I'm only 14 but my ideal job would be to work in any area of forensic science. does anyone here live in the uk and if u do (which i highly doubt, since the majority of people on here are abroad) do u know any work placements around the east midlands area? just asking lol

peace :cool:
I'm in England - North West. Go to your local hospital and ask them to work in the Pathology labs. It's AMAZING! Especially histology. I'm in there at the moment and today we were cutting up amputated toes and the uterus and ovaries after a hysterectomy.

I really recommend doing that for your work placement - mine finishes on Friday and I'm gonna sorely miss it. I've made some really good friends and hopefully I may have a summer job to go back to. *crosses fingers*

I've been seriously thinking about becoming a forensic scientist for a few years now. I'm still only in high school though so I have to wait awhile before I can go to get a degree in it.
Guess what?! After my work placement they've offered me a job!! I can't believe it!! I'm gonna be working as a lab dayworker at weekends!!
And in a couple months they're gonna let me sit in on an autopsy!!

Congrats, Mia-Sara!
I'm thinking about being a field-agent. I'm not good in science at all, but collecting evidence is my thing. I really love being out..
Congrats Mia!
You guys are lucky. However , I know someone from CSIGAMER.COM who has since become a CSI and works in the Allegheny County , PA crime lab.

Oh wow, that's like, fifteen minutes away from me. lol

I was thinking of becoming a forensic scientist, but I need to do better in school, so I'm working on it, my grades have gone up, after watching CSI, it inspired me to do better, so I'm working on it, my grades have in fact gone up since I started watching CSI.