Anyone a fan of ventriloquists?

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I just bought the new Jeff Dunham DVD "Spark of Insanity", and I just laughed my a** off. The way he makes his "little guys" come to life is just amazing, and funny, especially when he brings Peanut out. My question is, is there any fans of ventriloqists out there, and if so, who are your favorites, both the ventriloquists and the puppets.

Ventriloquists: Jeff Dunham, Terry Fator, Ronn Lucas, Jay Johnson
Puppets: Peanut (Dunham), Walter (Dunham), Scorch (Lucas)
I was never really afreaid of the puppets.. I used to draw lines from the corner of my lips down to my chin and really freak my sister out though :lol: But then I watched "Dead Silence" and it changed me forever :lol:
I have absolutely loathed ventriloquists since seeing the original, British black & white version, of the movie Dead of Night. Creepy doesn't begin to describe it.
The ventriloquist dummy that moves on its own in the Twilight Zone episode also is scary. But watching Paul Winchell (with Jerry Mahoney), Shari Lewis (with Lambchop), Señor Wences (with Johnny), and Edgar Bergan (with Charlie McCarthy), while growing up was lots of fun. Then there are Willie Tyler (with Lester), Jay Johnson (with Bob), Jeff Dunham (with Peanut and Walter), Ronn Lucas (with Scorch), and Shari's daughter are carrying on the tradition. Probably others I am forgetting at this time. It was good to see Jay Johnson again in the CSI episode "Living Doll."
I don't mind ventriloquists. I have always found them funny. I avoid scary movies anyway. Jay Johnson and Bob were good in Soap :lol: I remember reading that Candice Bergan always thought her brother was Charlie McCarthy :lol:
I always thought they were creepy and weird, from the early days of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, the first ones I ever saw as a kid, and people talking through little dummies, what's up with that? :confused: and "MAGIC" with Anthony Hopkins, also spooky, they just give me the willies :rolleyes:
I just finished watching his new special on Comedy Central, it was hysterical :lol: Even better than his first one! Although I did notice this one was a bit dirtier... it was still funny, but when comedians do off the deep end with that kind of stuff it turns me away :rolleyes: But he managed to pull it of alright ;)

Peanut, Walter and Achmed the dead terrorist were hilarious :lol:
My favorite scene that included a ventriloquist was an episode of The Facts of Life where Blair showed off her ventriloquistic skills and used Jo as her "dummy"! :devil:
If anyone missed it, Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity will be repeated on Tuesday night at 10:00 pm and Wednesday morning at 12:00 midnight (all times Eastern). It first aired about a week ago, after the DVD was released. The Comedy Central show is sixty minutes, about 45 or so without the commercials. Amazon says the DVD for this special, Spark of Insanity, runs eighty minutes, so there should be some that the TV show left out. There is also his last year's DVD, Arguing With Myself.
Dynamo1 said:
The ventriloquist dummy that moves on its own in the Twilight Zone episode also is scary. But watching Paul Winchell (with Jerry Mahoney), Shari Lewis (with Lambchop), Señor Wences (with Johnny), and Edgar Bergan (with Charlie McCarthy), while growing up was lots of fun. Then there are Willie Tyler (with Lester), Jay Johnson (with Bob), Jeff Dunham (with Peanut and Walter), Ronn Lucas (with Scorch), and Shari's daughter are carrying on the tradition. Probably others I am forgetting at this time. It was good to see Jay Johnson again in the CSI episode "Living Doll."

I was dying when I read this because that's exactly what came to mind when I read the thread. Funny stuff!!!! :lol:
quoth_the_raven said:
I just finished watching his new special on Comedy Central, it was hysterical :lol: Even better than his first one! Although I did notice this one was a bit dirtier... it was still funny, but when comedians do off the deep end with that kind of stuff it turns me away :rolleyes: But he managed to pull it of alright ;)

Peanut, Walter and Achmed the dead terrorist were hilarious :lol:

Nah, I think it was tamer than his first DVD (actually, the "Arguing With Myself" DVD wasn't shown on Comedy Central last year, but a different special. In the first DVD, his puppets actually curse.

Not to say that this special wasn't any good. It was hilarious. Peanut just killed me. "Jef-fa-fa. [low voice]Dun-HAM. [/low voice] [high voice] dot-com. [/high voice]
I think Jeff Dunham is so funny!! I have both of his movies Arguing with Myself and Spark of Insanity, it's so cool how he makes the puppets seem so real!! I like Peanut, Walter, and Achmed the dead terrorist....they are the funniest!!!
I had to bump this thread up because I just found out Jeff Dunham is doing his show in my area, and I just got tickets to it. 8 rows from the stage. I can't wait for this, cause I think Dunham is hilarious. Can't wait to see Peanut, Walter and Achmed live and on stage.