Anybody got any fun hobbies_ wanna share?

Sewing - Used to sew a lot when my niece and nephew were littler.

Scrapbooking - I'm the only one in the house who takes the pictures and on the toy recalls I'ts proven useful to have them. (My camera dates pictures and it gives us proof that our Geo Trax is too old for the recall!)

Reading - Anything in the action adventure and thriller range and science fiction. I'm currently working my way through the science fiction and fantasy in our local library's childrens room because they didn't exist when I was that age!
There are lots of things I do when I am not!

- I do a lot of drawing and photography. I've been told I have amazing talent at it, but I would beg to differ. But then, you are your own worst critic.
- I play a lot of hockey. Mostly ball hockey now, but once upon a time, I used to run from ball hockey to ice hockey several times a week. My knees just can't handle it quite the same as they once could so I opted to stick with one.
- I do a lot of skiing as well. Both downhill and cross country, but I aim for cross country for the photo ops.
- My big thing these days though is GEOcaching. It involves a lot of hiking, a GPS, free time, and a good pair of boots. I suggest to anyone who enjoys getting out for hikes and taking pictures, to check this activity out if they haven't already. Its an amazing way to see the sights. I've seen more of where I live doing this then I ever thought I would.
Here are a couple of quick snaps in my travels of GEOcaching.

old war bunker
most easterly point of North America
amist the barrons