^There's an off chance there might be a Speed pawn in the Miami booster set. Nothing set in stone, but they might go with him as the booster pawn!
I love the idea of the Horatio pawn taking off his sunglasses, too. That cracked me up to no end! :lol: And I like the fact that you can put on Horatio's sunglasses (the life-sized version of course) to look at a picture. That's going to be so fun.
Has anyone tried out the game yet? It's a lot of fun!
I love the idea of the Horatio pawn taking off his sunglasses, too. That cracked me up to no end! :lol: And I like the fact that you can put on Horatio's sunglasses (the life-sized version of course) to look at a picture. That's going to be so fun.
Has anyone tried out the game yet? It's a lot of fun!