Anthony E. Zuiker

^There's an off chance there might be a Speed pawn in the Miami booster set. Nothing set in stone, but they might go with him as the booster pawn!

I love the idea of the Horatio pawn taking off his sunglasses, too. That cracked me up to no end! :lol: And I like the fact that you can put on Horatio's sunglasses (the life-sized version of course) to look at a picture. That's going to be so fun.

Has anyone tried out the game yet? It's a lot of fun!
A booster pawn? Me likes. :D

Or they can have a mini case with it called 'Where's Speedo' :lol:

I really loved the idea of the Horatio pawn and his shades too. I think that's the best idea I've ever heard! It's hilarious. Of course now when many fans around the world buy the game, they'll spend the entire time playing with the Horatio pawn and not playing the game. (That sounded better in my head. :p )

And I haven't tried the game, but when I buy it I'll certainly give up all my time to play it. ;)
Where's Speedo--I love it! :lol:

Yeah, the Horatio pawn and sunglasses sound like such fun. I think the Miami version of this game is going to be wild. I like the idea of sifting through sand for body parts, too. That sounds so wrong... :lol: