The following are a series of Announcements made by TBonz (board Administator) over the past few months. Please read and take on board what she has said.
Posted by TBonz on Sat Oct 22 2005 09:06 AM
A reminder to all.
This is Shipper Central. It's for discussion about certain pairings.
It's not a place to yap about school, your home life, and other chat type things. I saw a lot of this when I went through some of the threads.
I know you want to have fun. But if you're posting every minute or two or three, you're not posting, you're chatting and should move to one of the chat mediums. If you're off-topic about your real lives, etc., that is, to be honest, cluttering up an already busy forum.
Please make sure that you're involved in discussions and not just chit-chatting. Also - I don't want to see folks going post crazy. Sixty posts a day is a bit much, and some of you are racking them up like crazy.
So before you post, make sure it's on-topic and it's not chit-chatty. I'm happy that people have made friends here, and I know that makes coming to a BBS that much fun. Believe me, I know how easy it is to start talking and get out of hand.But you need to be considerate of your fellow posters.
Repeat offenders may be warned. They may also lose post count, I can reduce it if I feel that someone is spamming for rank. Finally, if someone is asked politely to cut it back or to keep things from being chit-chat, I will remove the offender.
I don't want to do that. There's nothing I hate more than being the meanie. But we need to get this under control. This forum has really gotten to the point where the spam and chat is out-of-control. Please cooperate with us.
Posted by TBonz on Tue Feb 28 2006 04:30 AM
I understand that there are behavior issues in here. I want to emphasize several things.
First of all, I expect you all to be civil. If you don't like a pairing, don't rudely crash a thread to be snotty about it.
If you love a pairing, don't drive everyone crazy by being overly defensive about it.
Treat other posters as you would wish to be treated.
Above all, try to remember that these are make-believe. If you are getting too angry or annoyed over pairings or others' opinions on them, you need to log the hell off and go find something else to do.
Take Star Trek. I adore Kira-Odo. Yet others think it was bad. Do I get angry and crash threads, or belittle those who don't agree or who think Kira should have been with someone else? Hell no. Because it's make-believe. As much as I dig the couple, they're not REAL. And there is no reason to get annoyed and fight over it with people.
Enjoy your couples. Enthuse over them. But use a little common sense and a bunch of courtesy. Treat your fellow posters as nicely as you would treat your favorite couple.
Avatars, pics, etc. PG-13 guys. Nothing that is dodgy and don't try sliding things under the wire. If I want to see racy things, I'll go to Maxim or the 1,000,000 porn sites online. Keep things decent here, please.
Those who refuse to play nice will be removed, Permanently. As you can tell by my tone, I'm a bit tired of hearing of problems in here. I'm not naming names, I'm not getting into the "she said - no, SHE said" type of immaturity. I'm saying that you need to be civil in here, or else your right to post will be taken away.
It's that simple.
The Boss.
Posted by TBonz on Sun Apr 23 2006 05:52 AM
Two things:
1. PLEASE keep posting rates to reasonable levels. Sometimes people are crossing over from substantive discussion to quick several word/one line quips more suitable for chat. It's cool to have so many ardent fans, but please - try to keep it more discussion and less chatlike. If your mods tell you to cut back, please do so. They're trying to look out for the well-being/health of the forum in general. Don't attack them for doing that for which they volunteered.
2. I'm looking into some things about which I got several PMs. Give me til tomorrow night. I have to look at several threads and it's too late tonight to have to think.
Posted by TBonz on Mon May 01 2006 08:15 PM
Having more than one account is against the rules.
When I find that you have more than one account, I can and will shut both the new account AND your primary account, even if it is long-established.
There is a little stunt recently of long-term posters signing up new accounts so that they can either support their primary account during an argument, or else make trouble (attack others) with the new account.
I would suggest that if you have more than one account, you get hold of me and tell me which one to shut, before I get to it and shut all of your accounts.
I have already shut some dual accounts (and their primary accounts) and won't hesitate to shut more.
Posted by TBonz on Wed May 03 2006 06:28 AM
My apologies for taking so long to get back to this. I had a great deal to read to evaluate what was going on here, and both real life and health got in my way.
This will be an answer to all. If I have to answer all of the PMs I got, it'll be another week. :/ Plus - I want all to read this.
I'm an outsider here in this forum, not being a 'shipper myself. This made me a good person to give an impartial assessment of what I'm seeing.
Moderator issues:
- Moderators enjoy certain 'ships. Their enthusiasm is being perceived as bias. After reading a great deal, I'm not seeing bias when it comes to moderator decisions. That is, I'm not seeing them give preference to their favorite 'ships as opposed to other 'ships.
However, the perception that exists means that for whatever reason, they do come across to some as biased. I have instructed them to be very careful to avoid seeming to be biased. There were things that were being done (comments in official mod actions) that while harmless when a poster, might well give the appearance of bias.
And my advice to posters who feel that there is bias, from now on, I want you at the time it happens to PM me with the link to the thread or if I'm not around, to Top41. We will have a look then and there.
Finally a thought from a non-'shipper. A mod liking a 'ship and being enthusiastic about it does NOT mean that they must therefore be biased.
- Occasional double standards. Regarding double-posting. I have spoken to the mods regarding this.
That is what I saw. It's very difficult to be both a mod and a poster. Being a mod sometimes means throttling back one's own opinions/likes/dislikes and that can take away from why one came here, you know?
* *
Poster issues that I've seen here that I wish to address:
- double posting.
- Coming into one 'ship to snipe at it/offer up another 'ship.
- Bring trouble from other boards. People, do NOT do this!!! I can't emphasize this enough. I don't care if someone is a wanker elsewhere, or two of you can't get along elsewhere, keep it off of here.
- Name calling/getting personal. Again, this must not happen. If you find yourself so angry that you want to tell a poster off, instead, log off until you cool down. Trust me, I know how it is. *I* have to go away at times from the keyboard.
- Spoilers. Have respect for your fellow posters by keeping them spoiler free.
- Abusive PMs. PMs are not a right, but a privilege. If I find that someone is being abusive via PM or chasing off people because of venomous PMs, I can take away the right of PMs for said person or ban the person. Don't say behind everyone's back what you won't say to their faces.
* *
I don't think the problems are unsolveable in here. I think if everyone cooperates and everyone takes what I said to heart and instead of pointing at each other, looks in the mirror and says "Could that be me? What can I do to make this place better", then things will get better. I will be happy to evaluate specific threads from now on if there is a problem (just as I listen to the mods).
Shipper Central was meant to be a fun place to enjoy pretend couples and dream about them. Let's not turn the dream into a nightmare. I'm willing to help everyone out when it comes to making this place fun again, that includes listening to you, and upon occasion, whupping your butts.