Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Results!

Re: Animation Challenge - #6 - Humor ~ Voting!

Thanks for voting and mod's choice (or how it calling, i forgot this word :lol:). Egeria, congrats! Your icons is amazing!
Re: Animation Challenge - #6 - Humor ~ Results!

Wow! You guys thanks so much for the votes!

Congrats Orla! Fabulous icons!

All the icons were fantastic, it was so hard to vote! I think congrats are in order to everyone who entered. :thumbsup:
Re: Animation Challenge - #6 - Humor ~ Results!

Well E... :shifty: What was that, huh??? :guffaw:

Great work really, they're amaizing :) Congrats to all the winners :thumbsup:
Re: Animation Challenge - #6 - Humor ~ Results!

Oooo I just now saw these! Congrats!
Re: Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets - Now open!

*blows dust off thread*

Boys and girls, the time has come.
After over a month of making normal icons, I'm sure that your fingers are aching for a new challenge.
So get your skills set, get that creativity flowing through your brain, because it is time for...

the new animation challenge! :D

Theme of this challenge: Guns and Bullets.
So er.. what?
Basically, I wanna see our CSI's blasting, bullets flying, guns firing, the whole shazzam! :lol:

1. You may enter up to 3 animations.
2. The maximum size of your animationis 70 KB (you can cull yours if it is bigger than that)
3. Entries have to be 100x100
4. PM me your entry and don't post it here or anywhere else.
5. We're going to have only one category this time. Maybe we'll do more, depending on the amount of entries.
6. Most importantly - have fun!

Deadline is July 24th , 8pm (GMT)
(if you need this extended, please let me know asap.)

How to correctly send a PM

Subject: Icon Animation Challenge #7 Guns and Bullets.
Body: Images, urls.

If you can't send me a pm just send me an email. But please let me know here in this thread when you do it that way.

Everyone is highly encouraged to enter, even those who have never made an animated icon before. There are plenty of more experienced animation icon makers who will be more than willing to help. :)

And most importantly, have fun and good luck! :D
Re: Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets - Now open!

Nice one Hush!! Count me in, I already have an idea :D

Everyone is highly encouraged to enter, even those who have never made an animated icon before. There are plenty of more experienced animation icon makers who will be more than willing to help. :)

Absolutely! If you have any questions feel free to pm and ask away! I use PaintShop's Animation Shop to make my animations in case anyone is wondering.
Re: Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets - Now open!

Weee, new challenge with guns :D Love it!!
I'm in for sure!
Re: Animation Challenge - #6 - Humor ~ Results!

Hurray! New Challenge! And a great theme, too :)
Re: Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Now Open!

Alright people, the time has come (again)...

to bring out the cookies! :lol:

I've already got one entry, and I'd love to get a lot more of course. So bribery has now come into effect. Come on and join in, you know you want too :devil: