Am I a freak??

Dude Sid is hot, just cause he's not the conventional tall, dark, and handsome doesn't mean finding he attractive makes u a freak. way to break free from the mold!!!
Ive been told by quite a few people that I am due to the fact that I find Sid Hammerback strangely attractive (Sorry Mac I will go and worship you when Ive finished here :lol:)

Am I freak? Your opinions on a postcard please lol

Nooooo, you are not :lol:

I love Sid, my boyfriend loves him too, my mother loves his glasses and my brother would like to be like him when he grows up. My father doesn't have an opinion because he doesn't watch the show, but he'd probably love Sid too.

Sid is awesome and I love his smile. He can take me to his creepy place whenever he likes. Robert Joy always delivers, I really believe Sid is that mixture of oddness, creepiness and charm.

See, you are not alone :lol::lol:
Ive been told by quite a few people that I am due to the fact that I find Sid Hammerback strangely attractive (Sorry Mac I will go and worship you when Ive finished here :lol:)

Am I freak? Your opinions on a postcard please lol

Nooooo, you are not :lol:

I love Sid, my boyfriend loves him too, my mother loves his glasses and my brother would like to be like him when he grows up. My father doesn't have an opinion because he doesn't watch the show, but he'd probably love Sid too.

Sid is awesome and I love his smile. He can take me to his creepy place whenever he likes. Robert Joy always delivers, I really believe Sid is that mixture of oddness, creepiness and charm.

See, you are not alone :lol::lol:

Awesome, so nice to see Sid lovers coming out of the woodwork :lol: