Loved this episode!! I liked that it was all of the team working together (minus Sara

). I still prefer the two case episodes but this was good.
I loved Nick's struggle with what happened. I don’t think that DB had to tell him that what Vega did was wrong. I think he already knew that but was in denial about it. I think he suspected what happened at the time but let it slide for various reasons. No it wasn’t right. But as he said he didn’t know Vega was dirty at the time and he hit the nail on the head when he said that maybe he didn’t
want to know. He liked Vega and didn’t want to believe it. There were lots of cases where Vega and Nick worked well together.
It seemed very in-character to me that he was struggling with this. I really like that he came clean with DB and I loved the scene between the two of them with DB being sympathetic while still making it very clear to Nick that what happened was wrong.
The same thing with the scene with Moreno and Nick. Moreno asked him about it and at first Nick wanted to deny it but then was honest and told him what happened. He defended the Vega he
knew but admitted there was more he didn’t
want to know. Again I think that was very in-character for Nick. He naturally thinks good things about others and is affected when that image is proved wrong.
I think George did an amazing job portraying that struggle.
I loved the baseball scene! I wish there were more ‘fun’ group activities. The team is always so serious and it’s nice to see them laughing and enjoying themselves.
Loved the softball game. Good for Henry

I'm starting to like Finn but of course it would be her getting a big hit and talking to/helping Henry. Had to put it out there...
My thoughts exactly.

But I did like her flirting with Moreno. I thought that was funny. And I loved her scene with DB where he asked couldn’t she wait until the game was over to flirt and she just smiled and shook her head! :lol:
Overall I think it was a really good episode. It had forensics, teamwork and baseball fun!