All I Want For Christmas (H/Y)

And the story continues....

Horatio was hurt. Yelina's words had cut at his heart. Didn't she know how he felt about her? Of course she didn't you fool! You never told her! He felt as if he had hit a brick wall with Yelina. He wanted to continue to watch over her and make sure she was safe but at the same time he knew that if he kept shadowing her, she would be angry. And he had already made her upset. He didn't want to worsen things between them, and he was afraid any further misunderstanding might make things a tad difficult to salvage. He was in a dilema.

Driving back home that evening those were the thoughts running through Horatio's mind. He had the window down and the cool wind helped him reason out his thoughts, his battle with himself. At last he had to concede defeat. he knew he had to trust her. He had to believe that she would be ok and go against his innate desire to protect her always. He decided he would give it a couple of days. Yelina did say she was wrapping up the case. Then he would call and offer his apologies. She had always been gracious and understanding when it came to him.

A day passed and then two. Horatio had got off work on time that evening. It was surprising considering it was the Christmas eve. He watched as co-workers hurried home to their loved ones. Standing next to his Hummer in the parking lot, his hand dropped into his pocket and fingered his cellphone. Perhaps he could call Yelina. Hopefully she was home with Ray. He could always use the excuse of wanting to wish her a Merry Christmas. He stared at his phone for a minute. It took him by surprise when the phone actually rang.

"Caine." Horaito said as if on reflex as he answered the phone.


He recognised the voice, which sounded a little out of breath.

"Yelina? I was about to call you. Is something the matter?"

"I need a little help." Yelina spoke in a hushed tone.

"Sure." Horatio replied a little concerned.

"I think my cover's been blown."

"Where are you?" Horatio's heart was racing now.

"I managed to get out of Ricardo's house, I think he's on to me. I've got what I need for the FBI. I need a ride out of here, it won't be long before someone realises I'm gone from the house."

"Where are you?" Horatio repeated. "I'll come get you."

Horatio heard an embarrassed laugh. "Hiding behind some bushes, couple of streets from the Sanchez residence."

"I'll be there."

The phone went dead. Horatio's heart was in his throat as he raced down the highway towards Yelina. He slowed as he passed by the Sanchez residence, then took a left on the next street, unsure of where Yelina was. His phone rang.

"You just passed by me. Back up a little." Yelina's voice sounded more relieved than before.

Horatio backed up the Hummer. He watched as Yelina emerged from behind the bushes then jumped into the Hummer. Horatio gunned the engine and they were off before the passenger door was closed.

More to come... :)
H, our hero of the day :cool:
For a moment there, I almost felt like it was Task Force time :D

Great job, Hrockz, keep it up!

How's your son doing?[/OT]
Great update Hrockz! Love the inner argument H was having. Love that Y knows she can turn to H for help anytime. Eagerly anticipating your next update. :D
The air in the Hummer was getting awkward and uncomfortable. Neither spoke, aware of the conversation that had transpired between them the last time they met. They hit a spot of holiday traffic on the highway, and the HUmmer slowed to a crawl. Both decided it was time to speak, an attempt to make the journey a little more bearable.

"Thanks - " Yelina began.

"About - " Horatio uttered the word just as she did. He let out a laugh as Yelina lowered her head and smiled. "Ladies first."

From the corner of his eye, Horatio saw Yelina nod.

"Thanks for coming to get me."

"No worries." Horatio smiled. "You think they're after us?"

Yelina turned her head to look behind. "Don't think so."

Night had fallen and the temperature dipped. Horatio noticed Yelina hug herself as if to keep warm. He slipped off his jacket and handed it to her wordlessly. She took it, offering her thanks with a smile as she wrapped it round her shoulders.

"Umm, so where to Ma'am?"

"Home would be nice."

They continued their journey in a more comfortable silence. When Horatio pulled up outside Yelina's house, he didn't expect her to invite him in.

"Wanna come in for some coffee?"

"Sure." Horatio was happy she didn't seem angry at her anymore.

He settled into her couch as Yelina busied herself in the kitchen, and soon the aroma of coffe brewing filled the air. She handed him a mug of steaming coffee.

"I'm afraid that's all you're gonna get for Christmas eve dinner." Yelina smiled. She had remembered their dinners afterall. "Sorry I was so busy with the case, I didn't invite you over for dinner."

"It's ok. This is just as good." Horatio smiled back. His eyes burned into her. She looked so beautiful with her hair cascading down her shoulders he thought to himself.

"I'd better call Ray Jr, let him know I'm ok." Yelina said.

As she made her call to her son, Horatio worked up the courage to correct the apparent misunderstanding she had of him.

He spoke as she resumed her place on the sofa, seating herself next to him.

"About the other day.... I'm sorry."

Yelina smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry too. You were only looking out for me, and I know... you can't help it." Her large brown eyes met his. "It gets annoying at times but I appreciate it."

Horatio lowered his head for a moment, then tilted it to look up at her again. "Yelina... I um... you're not some obligation to me. I don't do what I do because I feel some obligation to Raymond. I umm, I really, I really like you."

Yelina nodded, and Horatio mentally kicked himself for the wrong choice of words. He was tongue-tied. He continued, forcing himself to speak, "What I was trying to say is... what I was trying to say is ah, I er, you're very important to me, not just beacuse you're family, I er... "

Horatio looked up at her, "I do what I do because... I love you."

He watched for her reaction and hoped he didn't spoil whatever chance of remaining friendship he had with her.

"I know all that." Yelina smiled, to his relief. "I just said all those things cos I was mad."

To Horatio surprise she leaned towards him and kissed him gently on the lips. Taken by surprise it took a moment for him to kiss her back. As they parted, Horatio tried in vain to supress a huge grin on his face.

"Best Christmas gift you ever had?" Yelina teased with a mischievious grin on her face.

Horatio laughed. "Yeah. I should've got you a gift too."

"That's ok. All I want for Christmas is you." Yelina grinned, the words music to his ears. "I was wondering when you'd come round and finally admit your feelings to me."

"You knew all along huh?"

"You can say that."

"You know what? All I want for Christmas is you too."

---------------- THE END ------------------

Merry Christmas everyone!!! :D
That was a great story, Hrockz. I REALLY like that you addressed that obligation issue - wish the GTB would. You're such a good writer - is writing part of your real job?
Looooved it!!! :D

That was just greatHrockz!!
Thanx! and a it's a little late now but Merry Christmas to you too! :)