All I Want For Christmas (H/Y)


Disclaimer: I don't own CSI:Miami or any of its characters.
Author's note: Apologies I haven't posted here in a long time. Family matters were and still are taking alot of my time. But I had this idea, and wanted to write something for the Christmas season. So here goes...

Christmas was fast approaching, there was no doubt about it. Although it didn't snow in Miami, the unmistakable "Christmas air" was everywhere. People were going about their shopping for presents, decorations were put up and crime rates were on the rise. Driving to the crime scene that morning, Horatio thought that if he were a betting man he'd place his money on a Christmas jingle or carol being played if he turned on the radio of his Hummer. He made a mental note to get a present for the lab Christmas party, he was Calleigh's secret Santa, and was racking his brains to come up with what to get her.

And then there was family. It was sort of a tradition, Ray had always invited him to dinner on Christmas eve, and after he died, Yelina kept up the tradition. This year, the Christmas dinner invite was late. Perhaps she had forgotten about it in the year she was away in Rio. Perhaps, for the second year in a row he'd had to have Christmas dinner alone.

His thoughts were interupted by the ringing of his cellphone, Horatio flipped it open, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Uncle Horatio?"

Perhaps Yelina had told Ray Jr to call with the dinner invite.

"Hey buddy, what's up?"

"I was wondering, if you've seen or heard from Mom?"

Alarm bells went off in Horatio's head and he got the sense that something might be wrong.

"No. Why?" Horatio asked his nephew.

"It's probably nothing, but I haven't heard from her since Tuesday. Even if she's busy with a job, she usually calls to check up on me and let me know she's ok."

It was Thursday morning. Not yet 48 hours but still there was reason for concern as Ray Jr mentioned. Was his reservations about Yelina being a P.I. coming back to haunt him?

"You're staying with your Grandmother?" Horatio asked the obvious.

"Yeah. But I'm pretty sure she isn't home."

"Umm, ok. Did she tell you what job she was working on?"

"No, she doesn't usually tell me, and even if she did I don't pay much attention. Sorry.... I know she's working for someone important though, cos she said this job was going to pay well. Hope it helps."

"It does Ray." Horatio's mind was already in high gear. "Tell you what, I'm gonna drop by your house, see if I can find anything to help me find your mother, but I'm sure she's ok. In the meantime, let me know if she calls."

"Ok." Ray Jr hung up.

Horatio made a quick decision to drop by the crime scene to see how things were. He knew his team was more than capable of solving crimes and catching bad guys in his absence. He'd take some time to try locate Yelina, just to assure his nephew, he tried kidding himself. Truth was he was just as concerned.

Horatio dialled Yelina's cell, but all he got was the signal to say her cellphone was turned off. He tried her house, but all he got was her answering machine.

To be continued....
Wow, Hrockz! What a way to start off your Christmas fic! A cliffhanger. I hope Yelina's fine! Can't wait for your next update. :D

Hope everything's fine with your son. :)
Thanks for asking mandy he's doing well but not able to come home yet. Anyways back to the fic while I have some time on my hands...

It was two hours before Horatio pulled up to Yelina's house, a modest single storey affair which she had purchased after their return from Brazil. Yelina had given Horatio a spare key, in case of an emergency, she had said. Horatio never had the need to use it. He wasn't sure if now qualified as an emergency.

He rang the doorbell, not really expecting her to be there but yet hopeful she was. He rang the doorbell another two times for good measure, waiting almost ten minutes before he used his key to turn the lock. The lock hadn't been tampered with, and Horatio felt no need to draw his gun. Stepping inside he slipped of his shades and dropped them in his jacket pocket. Horatio hadn't been there as often as he would have liked, but as far as he could tell, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Yelina worked from home. She used a small room in the back as her office, that much Horatio knew. The small room in the back was his first stop. Again nothing seemed out of place adding more proof to his theory that nobody had broke in to her house. Perhaps she was too engrossed in her current case?

Horatio sat at her desk. Her laptop computer was still there, he knew she took it with her sometimes, but this time he was grateful it was sitting on her desk. He hoped it would yield some clues. The laptop booted up quickly, but his hopes were dashed when he found out it was password protected. Horatio tried every name and birthday he could think she would use but was still unable to get in. He toyed with the idea of bringing it back to the lab, perhaps one of the computer techs could help him get in. Yelina would be very angry when she found out he thought.

Horatio's eyes studied the rest of the things on the desk. His gaze fell on a blank notepad. The latest page looked hastily torn off. He picked up a pencil and shaded the blank page lightly, hoping that Yelina had used sufficient force to write on the page before. He smiled as he thought he could make out what he thought was an address on the page infront of him. It would be a start.

Horatio left Yelina's house and drove to the address on the notepad paper. It took him to where he'd expected the place to be, an expensive part of Miami where the rich and famous lived. He pulled up outside the address, trying to decide what to do. Yelina was nowhere in sight. He could ring on the doorbell, but he didn't want to risk jeapordising whatever job Yelina might be working on. He dorve round the neighbourhood, hoping that perhaps Yelina had set up surveillence in the vicinity, but his drive yielded nothing helpful.

He parked some distance from the house again and waited. Just as he was about to give up and try another way of locating her, a car, a Bently pulled out of the house. The windows were tinted, so Horatio had no way of telling who were it's occupants, but a hunch told him he should follow.

Horatio followed at a distance. He called the lab and asked a personal favour, running the plates of the Bently he was following. He didn't like the name he heard. The car was registered to one Ricardo Sanchez. The man was one of Miami's richest, but it was common knowledge in law enforcement that his riches were from ill-gotten gains, mostly dealing in weapons and drugs. Thus far Sanchez had mamnged to stay under radar, such that MDPD were never able to find reason to arrest him.

Horatio's knuckles turned white from gripping the wheel tightly as his worry for Yelina intensified.

Stay tuned for more...
All I need for christmas is another briliant fic written by our lovely Hrockz! Happy to hear that you and your son are okay :D
Glad to hear your son's doing well, Hrockz. :) Hope he comes home soon> :)

Anyway, great update! Another cliffy. Can't wait to find out what H will do next. :)
The Bently pulled up outside a posh Italian restaurant not far from the beach. Horatio parked the Hummer a distance away, careful not to be discovered, but still able to keep an eye on the car he was following.

Sanchez exited the vehicle, that was expected. Seeing Yelina exit the car after him wasn't. If looks could kill, Horatio thought he would have had a heart attack. Yelina was dressed in a stunning black dress that Horatio thought was a tad too revealing. He watched as Sanchez reached out and took her hand then led her into the restaurant. Jealously clouded Horatio's thoughts for a moment, before he convinced himself there was no way she would be dating someone like that. Somehow he had always took it for granted that she'd wait for him.

Horatio continued watching with mixed feelings of guilt that he was spying on her, and worry that she might be endangering herself. Halfway through their lunch, Sanchez left the table, probably to use the bathroom. Yelina made her way to the counter, and Horatio watched as she made a short phone call, then make her way back to the table, all before Sanchez got back.

Minutes later Horatio's cellphone rang. It was Ray Jr.

"Hey Uncle Horatio, Mom just called. She said she's ok, and she'll be home soon."

"Thanks Ray. Call me when she gets home." Horatio didn't want Ray to know that he had been following Yelina, at least not yet, till he could figure out what she was doing with Sanchez.

The rest of lunch was uneventful, and Horatio trailed them back to the Sanchez residence. Horatio continued his wait outside, unsure of why he was still there. She appeared fine. And yet he had to make sure she was ok.

Evening approached and Horatio's stomach growled, reminding him that he had nothing to eat since breakfast. The Bently made another appearance, and Horatio followed again. It pulled up outside a motel and Horatio watched as Sanchez and Yelina got out of the car. All sorts of crazy thoughts raced through Horatio's mind and he had the impulse to jump out of the Hummer, grab Yelina and drive off.

Sanchez planted a kiss on Yelina's cheek, then got back into his car, driving off into the distance. Yelina waited till she was sure the Bently had been gone for a long while, before she turned, about to make her way into the motel.

Horatio gunned his engine, pulling up just beside her.

"Horatio? What are you doing here?" Yelina ducked her head and looked into the Hummer, her eyes registering surprise.

"Ray Jr was worried about you."

"I called him this afternoon to tell him I was ok."

"I know."

Yelina realised what Horatio had been up to. "You followed me?!"

Horatio didn't reply, only ducked his head.

"You have no right... I'm not even supposed to be seen talking to you." Yelina raised her voice.

Horatio leaned over and pushed open the passenger side door. "Get in."

Yelina hesitated for a minute, surveyed her surroundings, then got in. Horatio gunned the Hummer engine again and sped off.

to be continued....
Yeah, a jealous Horatio is never good! :lol: Don't piss him off when it comes to Y. :lol:

Thanks for the update Hrockz! :D
They drove in silence, Horatio knowing Yelina was angry and wanting to give her time to cool off. They pulled up to a secluded area by the beach. Yelina got out of the Hummer as soon as the vehicle stopped. Horatio took slow measured steps towards her.

"I can't believe you followed me." Yelina turned to look Horatio in the eye. Her anger had made her voice more heavily accented.

"Yelina... Ricardo Sanchez is a - " Horatio was cut off in his sentence.

"I know Horatio, he's danger. Don't worry he's not my client." The sea breeze picked up some of her curls and tossed them about in the wind.

"I'll pay you whatever your client is offering, just stay away from Sanchez." Horatio said, hoping to persuade her to leave her assignment. "Let law enforcement deal with him."

Yelina seemed more enraged. She rolled her eyes. "I don't need your money Horatio. Besides, my client is the FBI."

"What?" Horatio wasn't sure he heard her right.

"I met up with an old friend from the academy, he found out what I was up to and offered me the job. FBI's been trying to arrest Sanchez for some time now, but no judge would sign a warrant. They need more concrete proof of Ricardo's activities."

"So he got you to try get more dirt on him?"

Yelina nodded. "Yes. Enough to get a warrant at least to search his residence. My cousin works at a restaurant he frequents. She told me when he'd be there, I'd show up, soon he took interest in me, bought me a couple of drinks... I've worked really long and hard at this. I've been staying in his vila the past couple of days, I've almost got what I need. This job will be over in a couple of days."

"Staying with him?" Horatio ducked his head. For a moment, insane jealousy took over rational thought. "You sleep with him to get your information?"

Yelina let out an incredulous laugh. "I can't believe you! After all these years, I thought you'd know me better. I don't know what you think of me..."

Horatio had let it slip before he had reliased it. He wasn't even sure why he'd said that.

"Yelina, I'm..."

Yelina glared at him. "Just give me a ride to my mother's. Or I could get a cab."

"No, I'll drive you." Horatio said softly.

Again their drive took place in uncomfortable silence. The Hummer pulled up outside Yelina's mother's house.

"Yelina, I'm sorry." Horatio staring at his fingers, avoiding her eyes. "I just need you to be safe."

Yelina opened the car door. "Stop trying to protect me."

"You know that's not possible."

"Why? I don't want to be a burden to you. Why do you keep looking out for me? Because of your guilt over Raymond? Am I some obligation to your dead brother? I don't need this, I can take care of myself."

With that Yelina was out the door, leaving Horatio in stunned silence.

To be continued...
YAy new H/Y fic thanks Hrocks just what i need at the moment

update on my daughter-in law,they have booked her into hospital to have my grandson tomorrow,but she got to have a C-section as the bayb is to big