All About Chatting, Spam and other Forum Related Issues.

Okay... *reads message carefully and thouroghly, taking note*

I have read and understood. Apologies in advance for all the chat.
Good to know. I'd hate to be spammy so soon after joing such a wonderful board so in agreement with every other poster thus far. Read, Understood and put into effect.
Read and understood. I must admit,though, I find it difficult in the 'CaRWash' thread to know when I've managed the 'three line' minimum. Sorry if this isn't the right place to raise it, but the line length on the input box isn't the same as the screen.
Annwn I know this is a bit late, but personally I use the 'I want to preview my post' option, and then you can see how big your post is going to be, and add some more when it's not long enough. Yeah this isn't shippers central but shh :p