Aliens - Is there anybody out there



just been on the what are you reading thread (im reading about aliens and abductions) and wondered what evryone else thought about them.

do they exist?
my theory...... i dont have one, yes there is bound to be something out there but until we know for definate then!!!

what about all the abductees
to me they are all stark staring mad until we get the proof.

ive read that the aliens are contacting certain individuals to basically save the earth as we are slowly killing it!

yeah can understand that but why would they want to save the earth in the first place? what is their ulterior motive?

cmon you lot give your opinion or even stories cos no matter what im really interested to know.

i love x files so tell all
I think it's likely that there may be other life forms somewher, however I really don't beleive in they crashed a Roswell, or the government is covering up what happened. Pretty much other life yes, and how we think of aliens no.
I 100% believe there are other life forms out there ... in fact, its been proven. Microorganisms have been found in meteors from Mars. The fact that in our solar system alone there is some other life is enough proof for me that there will be more in our galaxy, our universe.
i think its naive to think absolutely there is nothing out there. but that being said, i dont think we will ever know for sure.
if life could form here, it could form anywhere. what kind of life though depends on the environment of the planet and the selective pressures on the organisms.
i dont think they have, or ever will, come here and i dont think we will ever find them. its just too damn far! :lol:
allmaple I agree with you. To think that we are alone would be selfish and naive.

To say aliens I'm not sure. Other lifeforms is a nicer term.
If there are intelligent life forms out in the galaxy and they receive our television signals of Gilligan's Island and American Idol, they are probably wondering about the possibility of intelligence on this planet.
Aliens ??????
why would you think there was aliens???
oh nooo you've figuerd out what i really am

i just had to do that (im childish i know) but i do believe that there are aliens out there but were aliens to them
i think it give some intelligent entity out there without doubt. Wethether they come to us that´s is the other ask, and my meaning is i believe not, because they are an higher intelligence as we have.
calleighdelko, you really think we're alone in the universe? Humans have reached to step on the moon, which is the closest thingy to the Earth, and see, they're proud of it. I think it's poor. Astronomy is so undeveloped. We know only 9 planets.
Of course, many people think it's stupid and we're alone in the universe. Many got fed up with sci-fi movies. But just think about Roswell. Don't you think it's poor that they STILL won't tell us what happened actually?
And then I start thinking about that it's such a SHAME that we don't even know where we are.
WillowsWannaBe said:
We know only 9 planets.

actually theyve identified a few planets in distant galaxies ;) i think they were gas giants though, so probably no life on those. but if the universe is around 28 billion lightyears across (its been 14 billion since the beginning so going out in each direction) thats a lot of sky to go through trying to find planets :lol:

i dont believe any of the roswell conspiracy stuff. i dont think anything has ever landed here that the us has been trying to cover up. wasnt the alien in those roswell autopsy pictures made of clay anyway? :lol:
As a big, longtime, fan of science fiction I fully believe that there are aliens out there somewhere. I also believe in what Grissom said in Shooting Stars - that they're smart enough to leave us alone. Lets face it, if you were in space looking down on the Earth wouldn't you think this was a very dangerous place.
