

If you could choose for yourself between the two most popular afterlifes would you rather:

1. Go to Heaven/Hell
2. Be reincarnated.

I'm sure that there are more beliefs but those are the two I know well if you want to add in more go for it.,
I believe that dying will feel like a huge relief. The moment when life leaves you and your sould is separated from your body will be the ultimate liberation. I don't care much for what comes after, I don't really believe anything does. For me it's just that moment, when you know that you're dying and your journey has ended. I imagine it to be like coming home and collapsing onto your bed in utter exhaustion after a long day; you won't feel your body any more.

I don't think there is anything like an afterlife. With the number of people who have died in the thousands of years that humankind exists, where should all those souls go? Must be one hell of a crowded place... It's my belief that when you die your existance is just wiped out. Your body will rot and your mind/soul whatever you call it won't exist anymore.

That's my view. I'm a realist.

If heaven/hell existed though, I'd like to be able to see both and then decide where to go. I guess I'd prefer hell though, it's where the interesting people go :devil:
I believe in heaven and believe thats where we all go when we die. I don't believe that God (whatever that one you belive in) judges you when you get there because once you are there you know everything and whats there to judge then. So many times I heard in the church that God loves you and forgives you but you might go to hell. Makes no sense, because then how can he forgive.

I think that we are all in this together and we need each other to learn from. This life is just a drop in time and I believe that we can come back and do it again as someone else. Those feelings you get at some places (you know the ones like deja vu) I believe are places that we have been, just not in this life.

I don't think death itself is scary, its probably the opposite--kinda like you said MiaCharlize. It is a relief and you are home. You are back with souls you love. Too many people that have had near death experiences have said that.

I don't know if any of that makes alot of sense. But its what I believe in.
I'm quite the realist. I don't believe anything happens when you die. But IF I had to choose, I think reincarnation would be pretty fun. Even more fun if I can choose as who or what I'll be reincarnated to.

Heaven could be pretty dull after a while, I think. I mean, you live forever, right? That's a little long, for my opinion..
Since I do not believe in a thing like heaven or hell I am chosing reincarnation. I am not quite sure if I believe in that either but I have to pick one, that would be it.

I believe that dying should feel like some sort of freedom you finally achieve. Your soul finally set free after being locked inside a physical cage (body) for so long. And now it gets to follow its own path. And you get to let go of all the things that troubled you.
Also death seems scary to me. Feeling that you lose everything and everyone you ever loved and now sure what will happen. I would like to believe there is another place we go to but it just doesn't get into my head. I cant believe there is such a place.

I just believe that the human soul will find its freedom and will finally make its own path, into its own life. Wherever and however that may be.
I am for the option that is not mentoined above. When you die. you just die. I don;t believe in life after... or heaven, reincarnation.. anything. You're just dead. Lights out... nothin'
BlueCurl said:
You're just dead. Lights out... nothin'
Or, as the famous saying goes...
I believe you are reincarnated. There are also a couple of other theories I would buy, but that is the main one. I wish I could explain why I think that, but I really don't know. It's just the one thing I find I believe the most. I do not think there is a heaven or a hell, but I do believe you end up becoming something else. Another theory I would belive is that all your energey goes into something like a 'melting pot' where your energy eventually ends up as something else. Like energey is being recycled over and over again. But I'm more for the reincarnation.