Add a line Part 2

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"Neither can mine!" Warrick yelled. "Oh god my 'fro!!! Nooooooooo!!!" Tina breaks into maniacal laughter at the sight of...
"Now you have poodle hair!!!" She continued with her evil laughter until she passed out due to lack of oxygen. Warrick started running around, hoping that...
style her hair into a 'fro. "Don't worry 'Rick I'll be the cool one now that you've got poodle hair!" Warrick broke down and started crying while...
"But I don't want poodle hair!!" Warrick whined, grabbing the water pistol and waving it around hysterical. "Nobody move or I'll..."
Everyone gasped and held up their hands. "Now, somebody get me a blow dryer!!" Warrick shouted, jabbing the water pistol in Grissom's direction while...
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