Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three

the new lab tech, Samantha Owens had stolen it. She had tried to pin it on Natalia, but Travers knew better. Why, you ask? Because he had loaned it to Natalia the week before and she had just returned it right before Samantha had taken it. Travers knew something was up with this Samantha chick. He had gone to Horatio with his suspicions.

Horatio had said he was looking into the new tech and was going to...

(sorry that was a bit long, but I couldn't stop once I got started LOL)
.. find the answers. He turned to face the window, holding his trademark glasses lightly between his fingers. Finally he turned and said, 'Get your money for nothing,' he slipped his glasses on and placed a hand on his badge. He stared right at Travers as he said, 'and your chicks for free, Travers, chicks... for... free....' He left the room as Travers...
"No idea, Travers", Natalia said, patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the room.

Eric walked into the AV lab, seeing Dave watching videos from their crime scene where a...