Add a Line- Miami Style - Part Three

other vehicle. "Horatio!" Calleigh called, her dog running toward her and jumping into her arms.

Alexx looked at Frank and asked...
"Do I even want to know?" "It's not as intersting as it might seem." Frank replied."What's more interesting than why Calleigh named her Dog after Horatio? asked Alexx. "Maybe the earthquake we are in right now? It might be.......
Horatio, the real Horatio, on a helicopter come to take us back to headquarters" Frank quickly glanced up at the sky to see, sure enough,.......
crunched the Hummer, which was stuck on the hill in front of a boulder. "Its a good thing H is here with the helicopter." Frank said, "or we might have been in that." Just then Calleigh cried out, "Horatio! He's missing...........