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he continued to ravishly make out with Ryan's mom. So Ryan just dealt with it and started a three way kiss with Calleigh and Eric. just then....
"Stetler?!? you freaking gay pansy!! gett off my @$$!!" then Eric and Calleigh slapped Stetler and Said "get off him he's ours!! get your own....
Stetler started to cry like a little baby. Ryan "oh grow up you freaking pansy!" and he continued to make out with Calleigh and Eric.
"Stetler, take that pacifier on the table and shove it where the sun don't shine." Calleigh said as she pointed her gun at Stetler before returning to kissing Eric and Wolfe.
Stetler just scoffed and said "you know what screw you!"
calleigh said "i don't want to screw my self!" Ryan said "No, but Eric and i want to screw you :devil:" then Calleigh said....
Yeah but we all know Southern Woman don't get drunk y'all could have dosed it with something because your "RODS" were thinking not your heads!
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