Add a Line - Miami Edition

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cry, then H stared in shock. while very kinky noises came from the closet where Eric and Ryan were *ahem* :devil: having world record setting sex.
Calleigh decided she was getting the hell out of there or else she'd go crazy, so she ran off to...
she slapped him and said "how dare you!! i am not just some whore who sleeps with just anyone!!" meanwhile in the closet Ryan exclaimed "oh god Eric!!!! you feel so good!!!"
and accidentally sprayed Ryan's face. Ryan exclaimed "i don't care!! i love you too much!!" at this Eric smiled and.....
At that point, Gordon told Calleigh quite frankly that if she tries to drive, in her condition...
out of the car then drove off by herself. At that moment, Horatio finally decided to pry apart the 2 naked male CSIs much to his annoyance
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