So, I've seen the latest episode. Overall, it's a decent episode. It even has has nice call back to when Flack was not himself and shows that Flack is recovering.
Anyway we get a scene where Adam inadvertently hits on Aubrey. Pam Veasey wrote this episode, so there are at least three ways to view this.
1. Adam and Stella aren't together and never will be and Pam Veasey is trying to beat it into our heads. :lol:
2. Adam and Stella aren't together and he's trying to make her jealous by escorting a cute woman around the lab and get everyone talking. Adam does do a head turn toward the lab area for a second before walking over to her.
The problem with these two interpretations is that they completely ignore all of the Adella interaction that happened this year. Even if the other Adella interactions were more subtle, how can you watch the end of
Manhattenhenge and not realize that there's something going on between them?!
3. Adam and Stella are together and he's trying to convince everyone he's single or at least seeing someone else so as not to raise suspicion like the way Stella reacted when Adam did his "" joke.

Before he offers to take her on a tour, he looks her up and down. This could be seen as a way of showing interest. But it could also be a way of considering her physical features. If someone at the lab had seen him get into a car with a dark haired woman but hadn't seen the woman's face or otherwise gotten a clear look at her, he could give this woman the tour and let people assume that it's her and not Stella. But then he realizes that he's just harmlessly flirted with his boss' new girlfriend. :guffaw:
And we see Stella in the hospital for
one scene after the incident in the pool. We do get Mac showing up, but then doesn't he pretty much always show up when any of his people are hurt? And he talks for a second with his new girlfriend because she's the doctor attending to Stella.
Anway, who works the scene at the pool? Of the main characters, only Adam. The only two are non-speaking roles who I will call Random CSI and Random Cop. And in the scene where he talks to Mac about the gun he seems he wants to put some extra effort into nailing Tony. Gee, I wonder why? :adore:
Anyway, if the hospital scene was something major, I would've liked to see Mac pull Adam away from work for a little while so that he can see Stella. Of course, Adam would be very concerned about Stella and confused (and little worried) about why Mac is doing this. Of course, it would lead to something like this:
"I know, Adam."
"About what?"
"You and Stella."
It would be simple and to the point.
Like Cuckoo's Nest, when Adam was joking about, and Stella had to turn away when she smiled. She didn't really dare showing everyone else that she likes Adam's sense of humour.
The joke is from
Battle Scars, not
Cuckoo's Nest. But
Cuckoo's Nest does have some very slight Adella near the beginning. (There might be more in the episode, but I can't remember.) Anyway, it makes sense because
Cuckoo's Nest is the episode before