Adam Rodriguez

CSI Files

Not even half over, season four has already been a rollercoaster ride for <font color=yellow>Adam Rodriguez</font>'s CSI: Miami character, Eric Delko, who has fallen under departmental suspicion of drug use and is grappling with helping a seriously ill family member. Rodriguez is enjoying the chance to show a greater depth to his character, and he took the time to talk with CSI Files about his reaction to Delko's new storyline and what he thinks is coming up for his character.

CSI Files: Delko has been through a lot this season: first he got busted for buying pot and then it was revealed that his sister Marisol is sick with cancer and he was buying it for her. How do you feel about the recent developments for Eric?

Adam Rodriguez: I remember first hearing about the story with the marijuana and I didn't know how it was all going to be resolved, so I had my concerns about why they were taking me down that road, but I'm loving every minute of it. It's great to finally get things for my character to do that are outside of the lab and deal on a more personal basis with who the character is. Dealing with the everyday, more normal human issues, things people have to deal with: family, problems at work and responsibility to your family and to yourself. Sometimes choosing that causes problems in other areas of your life. So it's definitely nice to have a chance to do some of that stuff.

CSI Files: Will there be more repercussions for Eric down the road on these issues?

Rodriguez: I think not so much in dealing with the marijuana problem. I think what Eric is really going to have to deal with down the line is dealing with the death of his sister. I think that's going to become more important to the storyline than the screw-ups that were happening.

CSI Files: So Marisol is dying?

Rodriguez: Yes, she's very sick. I think there's an episode coming up where I have a conversation with someone and I'm letting them know that she's actually a lot sicker than she looks, more sick than she knows. I've been in contact with her doctors, and because of all of the time I spend taking care of her, I have a better idea of what's going on with her than anybody else.

CSI Files: We've heard rumors that Horatio (<font color=yellow>David Caruso</font>) and Marisol are going to become romantically involved. How is Delko going to react to that?


To read the full interviews, please click here.<center></center>
Aye, Aye!

Adam is awesome. He gives us the good stuff. Kinda like that one good waiter who doesn't bust out the crappy coffee but gives you the good stuff. He's just so fantastical.
This was GREAT! I'm loving Adam giving hints of stuff.

I'm sad that the E/C thing seems to have been swept under the rug.

Glad to hear he didn't like the toothing stuff being put in and I totally agree with him and the whole dealing with Speed's death. The writer's screwed that up royally.

I don't think he's any more excited about his fling with the Snake Lady than I am. Poor Adam.........

Still...........great man............great actor............great interview!
Glad everyone liked it! :)

Glad to hear he didn't like the toothing stuff being put in and I totally agree with him and the whole dealing with Speed's death. The writer's screwed that up royally.

Agreed, totally. Delko was Speed's closest friend and we totally should have seen his reaction earlier on. Adam definitely sounds disappointed with the way it was handled.

I don't think he's any more excited about his fling with the Snake Lady than I am. Poor Adam.........

Not at all--it seems like he's kind of surprised by the development. And after seeing it last night, it really does feel so random.