A Shoulder to Cry On

Hmm . . . the image of Nick's night attire . . . yummy. Hehe. (yeah, I decided to not be nice to the guests for a few more minutes so I could read this! LOL! And you didn't disappoint! :) ).
Chapter 4:

“Stokes, Sidle, what the hell took you guys so long? This body is practically a mummy!” the detective said as Nick and Sara stepped out of their Tahoe. Grabbing their kits, they moved closer toward the frustrated detective.

Putting his field kit down, Nick politely extended his hand for a shake, “Nick Stokes, Sara Sidle.”

“Mark Hensen” the detective replied, giving Nick a firm hand shake, clearly showing his anger from the grasp he had on his hand.

Smiling, Nick decided to whip out their secret weapon, “Sorry man, we couldn’t help it. You know, driving all this way; got some car troubles.” Sara smiled, mentally crossing her fingers as the detective listened to the lie.

“Ah,” Hensen said as he moved his hand shake over to Sara, “car troubles… explains it. Well, you got here, that’s all that matters.” Sara and Nick smiled at each other. Hook line and sinker.

Motioning toward the taped off house, Hensen started with the basics, “Allison Grave. Fifteen. Found by her parents around 10:15; the call was made at 10:17,” looking over at the two CSIs, Hensen could tell that all they wanted now was to look at the crime they had set before them, “go in. But I want to warn you, it’s not the prettiest sight in the world.”

Patting Hensen’s shoulder, Nick led the way into the house. Cutting the tape, he stepped into the large crime scene. He literally felt his heart drop down to the floor as he saw the scene before him.

Allison Grave hung from her neck, topless. A knife mark engraved a line down her stomach. Blood dripping down, creating a blood pool under her dangling feet. The body had bruises all over, making it look like a fallen apple. Eyes shut, hair torn out, teeth broke. How could someone become so angry.

Nick froze as he took in the rest of the scene. Blood spattered all over the walls, the furniture trashed and ripped, the floor had multiple blood shoe prints, body hanging in the middle of it all. As Nick turned around, he saw the victim’s family, eyes full of tears, just starring in disbelief at their once happy, alive family member. A blast of emotion hit Nick, bring tears to his eyes. Before the tears slipped, Sara came up behind him, putting a hand on his heavy shoulders.

“How can humans be so cruel?” Nick asked, still starring at the shattered family.

“I’ve stopped trying to answer that question. There’s no excuse for killing someone.” Sara replied, looking into Nick’s broken eyes as he turned his head to look at her.

Nodding, Nick bent down and quickly grabbed his field kit. 100 swabs wouldn’t be enough to collect the amount of blood scattered on the walls, floor and ceiling, but Nick just prayed that some of it would lead to a possible suspect.

Following Nick, her out kit in hand, Sara started to gather in the rest of the surroundings. Looking over at a blood covered picture, she could see the smiles of the family break through. Their once inviting and bright smiles, now cold and torn. How could someone bring so much heart-ache? As she edged closer to the hanging body, Sara noticed something on her lip; a cut. A deep slit parted the lip into two, the blood now dry.

“Someone not think regular piñata was fun? Thought of improvising?” Hensen said as he walked into the once silent crime scene.

Nick and Sara both looked back. Stranger things have happened in the city of Las Vegas, some just brought chills back from remembering.

Nick pointed to the topless girl, “And thought it’d be more fun with her naked?” You could heard the anger and frustration in Nick’s voice. He knew how sick some people could get. He knew how dangerous people are, but it still seemed to amaze him every time a case like this popped up; which was thankfully not everyday.

Looking back, Sara could see tear marks stream down the girl’s face. What pain she must of went through. Being hung, stripped, beaten, cut and left to die.

“Any witnesses?” Sara asked Hensen, eyes still glued to the vic.

Shaking his head, the detective replied, “No.”

Sara’s eyes went wide as she looked back, “None? Didn’t the neighbours hear anything?”

Hensen’s face went from calm to confused, “Oh, yeah… I haven’t personally talked to them yet.”

Hensen making a quick exit, nick shook his head as he looked over at Sara with his ’he’s-a-dumb-ass” expression.

Sara looked over at Nick, “The neighbours must of heard something. This girl went through torture, and you’re telling me no one heard?”

“I dunno Sara,” Nick said, looking around, “maybe he… put something in her mouth, made her drink a drug…”

“Strangled her first, then took her for a ride?” Sara finished, noting the multiple rope bruising around her neck.

Nick started to image it, but the person he imaged in that state tore his heart.

Sara, hanging helplessly from her neck, had tears filling her eyes. The killer was tall, manly, much stronger then her. Lust in his eyes, hate in his heart, he started to slowly rip away at Sara’s shirt. Her screams and her yells going unheard as he started touching and feeling her all over. Her terrifying whimpers seemed to excite the killer, letting thrill trigger off all through his whole body. Being the fighter that she is, she fought back, trying to her hardest to make him back off. Her attempts failing miserably as she started to feel the burn of loss of air grow tighter and harder in her throat and lungs. Not feeling him on her anymore, Sara starts to feel relieved, until she feels a blow hit her in the back off the head, causing her to blank out for a few seconds. The hits become harder, more violent as time goes on. Not able to bare it much longer, Sara releases the tears in her eyes. Allowing them to stream down her face, catching some of the dripping blood. Screams of pain and yells of terror creaked out her mouth before she feels the metal blade come in contact with her lip. Feeling the blade slice through her lips and the warm sensation of blood linger down and in her mouth, Sara takes her last breath and cries out a plead for freedom.

“Nick,” Sara said for the second time, bringing Nick out of his imagination, “you ok?”

Starring at Sara, Nick couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart start to form. He’d never let that happen to her. No one would ever touch her or make her feel any pain. He wouldn’t be able to handle seeing her in such terror.

“Yeah,” nick said, flashing Sara a forced smile, “I’m fine. Just… don’t understand.”

Sara’s eyes locked on Nick as she grabbed her camera, “I don’t think we could ever understand. Even though we are scientists.” Giving Nick a smile back, Sara took a few steps closer toward the body, “Let’s get started…”

Stepping up beside Sara, Nick added, “So we can finish.”

sorry it took so long. hope you enjoyed :D
I'm glad that Nick refuses to let anything happen to Sara. Of course, that being said, that particular line makes me think that this case will put her in danger and he really will have to fight to protect her . . . update soon, hunnie.
i love the how you potray nick as the knight and shinning armor for sara, and i kinda get the feeling this is not the first. you really know reading this gives me a chill. but keep it coming.
Chapter 5

They found her. His crying rag doll, his pleading piñata. She was so perfect. A woman that excited his whole body, causing him to want her even more. Every whimper and cry made him feel even more victorious when he went in for the final kill. Her struggles and tries, failing miserably, making feel on top of the world. The feel of her warm blood on his hands. They found his number one. Now only one question remained; who’s next?


“Ease her down slowly, Dave.” Nick said, getting ready to cut the rope in the appropriate location.

“Yeah… I’ve done this many times before,” Super Dave, as everyone called him, was an excellent assistant coroner. The way some people thought they could out smart forensic science made him laugh every time. Every case was a new adventure to him, and a new story to tell his wife.

Nick smiled, “Just making sure there, Super Dave.” Slowly slicing the rope, David was read with his hands and the cart.

The body slowly fell, allowing Dave to catch it and slowly rest it on the awaiting cart, “See.” Smiling, Dave looked up at Nick.

Nick couldn’t help but smile back at Dave’s sudden burst of pride, “you’re a real pro.”

As Dave and Miss Grave strolled out of the room, Sara walked in, bags in her hands.

“Got her down. Nice. Did you bag the rope?” questioned Sara.

Shaking his head, Nick answered, “No, just about to. What do you have?”

Holding up the first bag, Sara looked over at it, “Some rope from the garage. Could be the same kind our killer used to hang her with.”

Nick nodded, understanding where she was coming from, “Showing that the killer might not of brought his own. Had to work with what he had on the spot.”

Sara nodded, allowing silence to spread across the room, each zoned out into their own little worlds. The smell of dried blood was all over the room. The look of terror was visible in every corner. The feel of death still creating an unwelcoming presence in the room.

Sara couldn’t contain the question she had bouncing around her head as the mood grew stronger, “Why did he cut her torso open?”

Nick’s eyes moved down to look at Sara’s confused face. Nothing triggered off in his mind as a possibility. Shrugging, Nick started down the ladder.

“That’s what I’ve come up with; nothing.” Placing the first bag down, Sara held up the second one, “but this might tell us who.”

Nick’s breath came up short as he looked into the plastic evidence bag; a steak knife. The blade covered in blood, was sharper then a piranha’s tooth. The wooden handle, containing a very small, but very important, bloody fingerprint.

“Think it’ll help?” Sara asked, curling her lips, hiding the smile that was forming behind it.

Eyes still wide, Nick’s imagination started to kick in again.

Sara started screaming as she felt the sharp blade dig into her partly tanned skin. Satisfaction settled on the killers face. Tears welding up, the pain washing all over her body, making the burn from the rope not the only thing killing her. Helpless and terrorized, the killer feels victorious. Throwing the knife to the side, unaware of the trace he left behind, he swiftly makes his way out of the house and off into hiding

“Why would he leave it here?” Sara said, not exactly requesting an answer, “Didn’t he know we’d track it?”

Turning toward Sara, the knife in her hand, Nick’s hard started to ache. Why was he imagining this? Why did she have this spell on him? The spell of him being worried, terrorized, and anxious to see her? His eyes drifted over her model-like body. Black t-shirt and blue jeans couldn’t of looked sexier. Her brown eyes and hair lightening up her face, making it glow with every movement.

“I guess… I’ll go to the lab here and find some lab rats to process this stuff.” Sara said, starting to collect the evidence they have, “hopefully we’ll get something to smile about.”

Putting the fallen piece of rope into the bag, Nick only wished for the best. With cases like these, any and every piece of evidence counted as a piece of gold.

Time was of the essence. They already wasted precious moments at the beginning of the crime, which are the most important. Shaking the worries away, Nick persuaded forward, processing the rest of the scene and pushing his thoughts and worries to the side.


Timing’s a key part to any challenge. When to start; when to stop. When to change your game; when to keep it. How long you take on each part. Only experience can tell you the answers.

Shrieks escaped from her torn lips as he started on the curve. She couldn’t do anything, only hang there and hope he’d kill her right then and there. But what excitement would that be? The thrill of a game like this was to experiment, see what you liked best. Where you like it, and whom you liked to do it to.

Throwing the knife to the side, print present, he slowly looked around the room. Saying his final goodbye to his number 2.


“This is their lab?” Nick whispered humorously as he stepped into the garage-sized lab, receiving a hard poke in the hip from Sara. Smiling over at her, Nick could tell she was thinking the same thing, but was, of course, to polite to say so.

Sara quickly directed Nick into the nearby room where she had all the present evidence set up from swabs to rope. It was all there.

“So,” Nick said, sitting on a stool next to Sara’s, “what do we got?”

Grabbing the first piece of evidence in front of her, Sara lifted it up, “The rope. Found DNA at both ends. The end where Allison Grave was hung, is Allison Grave’s DNA, but the DNA on the other came back blank. No matches in CODs.”

Grabbing the sheet from Sara’s hands, Nick quickly glace over it, letting out an annoyed sign at the end, “Figures.”

Sara smiled, "But, it the rope does match the rope we found in the Grave's house. Two ropes.."

"one in the same..." Nick finished, smiling at Sara with his dazzling smile.

Grabbing the second sheet beside her, Sara read it out loud, "All the blood in the room is a match to Allison Grave.."

Letting out a frustrated groan, Nick looked over at Sara, "so we processed that all for nothing?"

Smiling Sara nodded, "But, there is good news."

Nick's face lite up, "Go on.."

"The blood that the finger print was made out of didn't match our vic. Came back blank, but it's male."

Grabbing the sheet Nick stood up, Sara following. This was a lead, well as close as you can get to a lead in this kind of situation.

Pushing the department doors open, Sara felt the breeze cross over her face. Fall was defiantly her favourite season. Looking over at Nick, she could tell he was starting to get lost in the case. The amount of pain one human can inflict on another made her scared. She was still trying to forget her childhood horror, but it seems for follow her wherever she goes.

Looking over at Nick, Sara could tell he was already getting tired. Taking 11 hours to processing a small room wasn’t exactly their favourite part of the job.

Just before Sara and Nick could say anything, they heard a partly familiar voice echo from behind them.

“Stokes! Sidle!” Hensen said as he burst through the doors, “get your field kits.”

Looking at one another, they started to get confused, “Why?” Sara asked.

Sliding on his hat, the detective looked at them, “because we got a number 2.”
Hey Em! I just found this. Anyway, it's been almost a year since you updated this fic. What happens next? I'm dying to find out. Seriously, you've got to finish this one. You can't just leave this hanging like this. :p