A Shoulder to Cry On


CSI Level One
hello everyone. yes yes, i'm attempting another story. i'm hoping this story will be longer. *crosses fingers*. Of course, it's about Snickers. but, i decided to add in a little bit of YoBling. so... i hope you enjoy. i'm just going to play this story out. not really sure were i want it to head yet but i'm excited to find out!!
Chapter 1

“I’m telling you man, Spider Man 3 sucks,” Greg said, trying to get Nick to change his mind on seeing it.

“The previews look so good though,” Nick replied, turning the corner into the break room where Catherine and Warrick sat watching the wanna-be tv.

“What are you two arguing about now?” Warrick asked, knowing that Greg and Nick never get through a day without ticking each other off.

Greg smiled- were they really that predictable, “Rick, tell Nick that Spidey 3 sucks.”

“No,” Nick wasn’t going to loose the movie-argument without a fight, “You just don’t like it, Greg, because Mary-Jane isn’t single in it.”

Greg let out a good natured laugh, “Not that that isn’t true, Mary-Jane should be mine, but the writing’s just plain horrible.”

Nick rolled his eyes. Greg’s crushes always changed. His last crush was on Jessica Simpson, which happened shortly after watching ‘Dukes Of Hazard’. But there was always that one crush Nick was actually happy about when Greg gave up. Mostly because he didn’t want Greg to have a crush on his future wife.

Warrick smiled at the two CSIs. It wasn’t anything new. Greg and Nick loved to get on each other’s nerves; just like two brothers. Picking stupid, pointless fights just to create some excitement. But he always hoped they’d never have to argue about a certain woman they both seemed to have a thing for. Hopefully one of them have given up. Of course, Warrick already knew who would win. Not that he was planning on bring that topic up.

“I have to agree with Greggo on this one, Nick. I defiantly liked the first two better.” Warrick said, getting an evil glare from Nick and a satisfied smile from Greg.

“See,” Greg said, a smile of victory plastered across his face.

Catherine finally tore her eyes away from the small tv and decided to get involved in the heated argument.

“I actually like the third one best,” Catherine said, “good plot.” She smiled over at Warrick, remembering the evening they went together to see it. It wasn’t anything special. They both had the night off and both really wanted to see it. Nothing more then a movie with a very close friend. Of course, Catherine was still trying to convince herself of that.

Warrick nodded. The plot was good, not that he was actually paying attention to it with Catherine sitting so close beside him. The smell of her perfume, her bouncy strawberry-blond hair, the softness of her arm, which was touching his throughout the whole movie. Yes, he’s a married man, but even married men can still fantasize. Right?
“All I’m saying man is don’t waste your money on it. I heard Rush Hour 3's coming out! Are we going to see that together?” Greg asked, referring to the whole team. When Rush Hour 1 and 2 came out the whole team went out and saw it. Greg had to practically push them into the theater, but he did eventually get them all in.

“Yeah, sure man,” Nick said, patting Greg on the shoulder and walking out of the break room. Not that he didn’t mind going to the movies with the whole team, he’s just always wanted to go with one of them on them in particular. He could never really find the words to ask her though. Of course, he’s planned a couple scenarios in his mind, but he always found something wrong with each one. She might think they’re just going as friends, maybe she’d notice he was actually asking her out, but she didn’t have the same feelings back, or maybe she was already seeing someone. Either way, he decided to just be happy that he can sit beside her when they go on their little group dates. At least then he wouldn’t creep her out.

It was only the beginning of shift and he was already losing focus on why he was here– to solve crimes. Not to fantasize about his lovely co-worker. Wondering what perfume she’s wearing today, the colour of her sparkling eyes, the way she has her hair... he was already losing it!

But lately he’s been forced to fantasize about her more because he never seemed to have cases with her anymore. At first it didn’t bother him; he wouldn’t get distracted by her gorgeous eyes and enchanting smile. But now it was a hold different story. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. Wondering where she is, if she’s ok, if she’s smiling or crying; knowing he wasn’t there to help her, know if she was attacked, he wouldn’t be there to save her. Before his attraction to her was pretty much physical. He got turned on every time she wore a low-cut shirt or moved her hips, causing his eyes to literally pop out of their sockets. But now it was different. Not that he didn’t think she was pretty; he thought she was the most drop-dead prettiest girl in the world, but something changed. He wasn’t sure if it was from his horrifying experience underground or just maturity kicking in, but either way, he knew that his attraction to her was becoming more then your usual crush.

She seemed to always be the one to make him laugh when times were hard, she was always there to tell him when he needed to cool down and focus on the case; she was his sunshine. Whenever he starred at her, instead of picturing her with little to no clothes on, he started to picture her in a white dress, long vale, flowers in hand, heading down the aisle to his awaiting arm.

In the past years, he tried to convince himself that his attraction to her was another one of those high school crushes. He dated different woman, trying to prove to himself that his crush was nothing. The only thing he proved was that she was the one; she was his. Now telling her that was a completely different story. Why was loving Sara Sidle so complicated?


Grissom and Sara walked briskly into the silent break room. Coffee in hand, they sat downat the table were Greg sat, flipping through the latest ‘Life & Style’ magazine, only stopping on pictures of his newest crush- Jennifer Aniston.
“Assignments” Grissom said, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and stare at him. Grissom took that as a good sign and carried on, “Greg- 419 in Hendersen. Dead teen. You’re going solo. K?”

“Good with me,” Greg replied, grabbing the paper from Grissom’s hand and giving the rest of the team a smug look, know full well that they all love working solo, before existing the room.

“Catherine and Warrick,” Grissom said, looking at the comfy pair on the couch with a smiles, “double homicide. Two strippers found dead in their lounge place. Dollz Strip Club. Vega’s there waiting for you.”

Warrick stood up and extended his hand to Catherine, who accepted it and was pulled up. They walked over to Grissom and grabbed to sheet of paper from his hand. Without a word, the pair walked out of the break room and toward Warrick’s SUV.

“So,” Sara said with a smile, “what do I have?”

“You want solo.” Grissom stated, knowing Sara loves working alone on cases.

“I don’t care,” Sara said, still hoping to get her solo.

Grissom smiled. “I would give it to you but they’re asking for me. There’s bugs; I love bugs.”

Sara nodded. Grissom did love his bugs, “So... what do I have?”

“419 in Tonopha. Couple hour drive. Teen girl murdered. No witnesses. Not sure who you detective is.” Grissom replied, giving Sara the paper, “you and Nick are working together.”

Sara’s face lite up. Not that she didn’t like working with her other co-workers; she did, but she always got excited when she got to work with Nick. They seemed to have this chemistry when they were together. He always made her laugh and made everything feel like it’ll be ok.

“Oh and Sar,” Grissom said, stopping Sara before she could go find Nick, “Tonopha is pretty far away. You and Nick might have to find a hotel or something to stay in while you’re working there.”

Sara nodded. No sense driving back and forth when you could just stay there, “Ok, I’ll tell Nick. See you later.”

“Bye Sar,” Grissom said with a smile. He couldn’t help but wish he could of given Nick the solo so he could go with Sara. He always had an attraction to Sara and noticed Nick seemed to have that look in his eyes whenever he stared at Sara. Grissom would never admit it, but he’d purposely given Sara and Nick different cases, hoping no one has noticed his attempt of keeping Nick at a distance, knowing full well that if he didn’t watch it, he wouldn’t stand a chance with Sara.
Nick, Grissom thought,You lucky bastard.
emily me like it... i love your idea that sara is single and a road trip for both of them brillant make them stay longer in that place and let them share one room and one bed... okay i know its your story but i can wish, can i ;)
cheers. :D :lol:
OMG OMG OMG Emily this is a great and wonderful story. Don't stop it. You have to write more...Maybe on there little trip Nick will be able to tell Sara how he feels about her...
This is a really cute story that I just found. :) Been away for a bit and am trying desperately to catch up! :) Awesome is the only word I can find that would describe the concept. I hope you update soon. :)
Chapter 2

Nick sat in the locker room, once again, fighting the emotions tunning through his body. The only thing he wanted to do right now was go home and sulk in the comforts of his own home. Of course he also wouldn’t mind having a little fun in the back of his car with the lady that seemed to be on his mind 24-7, but he figured that wouldn’t be an option.

Why was this affecting him so much? He used to get out a lot, but ever since his I-love-Sara discovery, he seemed to be home a lot more. Mostly trying to work up the courage to ask her out, another part hoping she’d phone again. A couple years again, they actually did go out together. They had an amazing time, never going past best friends hanging out. But he couldn’t help but feel weak in the knees when Sara’s hands raced up his chest and around his neck as he brought her closer for a slow song. Man was he pathetic.

As Nick sunk farther and farther into depression, Sara peered into the room, literally lightening up the dark space and making Nick’s face shine.

“Hey,” Sara smiled, showing the gap tooth smile that made Nick’s heart melt every time she allowed it through.

“Hey,” Nick said, trying to hide the fact that he was drowning in her eyes.

“Ready for a road trip?” Sara asked, moving toward her locker, which was right beside Nick’s.

“What?” Nick asked, oblivious to the fact that they were working together.

Sara smiled. Nick was cute when he was confused, “We’re going to Tonopha. Teen girl murdered. It’s a while away so Grissom suggested we stay in a hotel or something.”

Nick face suddenly came to life. He, Nick Stokes, was going to share a hotel room with Sara Sidle? Well, maybe not sharing a room at first... but that could always change. As long as he was working with Sara, alone, it was good with him.

Nick turned and smiled at Sara, mischief hindering at the ends of his smirk, “Well, I’ll help your stay there be enjoyable.”

Sara let out a light laugh, “Planning on investigation me?”

Nick let his eyes wonder all over her body. How he wish he could, “If you allow me access.”

Sara smiled. Nick had to fight the temptation to jump on her right now and show her how a real CSI works, but decided they’re flirty banter was enough for now.

Sara stood up, “I’ll see you in half an hour, Stokes. Come pick me up. I’ll be waiting with my stuff.”

Nick smiled, “It’s a date.”

Sara gave an evil glare back at him over her shoulder knowing they never worked on Nick Stokes, “See you soon...”


Within the next thirty minutes, Nick was heading over to Sara’s house. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw Sara pulling a suitcase the size of the back seat out of the apartment building doors.

Nick stepped out of the Tahoe and headed toward Sara to give her a hand with the body bag she seemed to be carrying. Sara willingly gave the privilege of hauling it the rest of the way to the vehicle.

“Goodness, Sara, what the hell do you have in here?” Nick asked as he started to pull the bag.

“You know... clothes, shoes, make-up, books.” Sara replied, showing a hint of embarrassment.

“Damn,” Nick said, finally getting to the Tahoe, “we’re not moving there.”

Sara smiled, “I know. But you don’t know how long we’re going to be there. Better safe then sorry, right?”

Nick nodded, not really able to speak as he lifted the suitcase into the back of the car. He finally placed the bag in the back, “Man, Sar, you should be happy I’m so strong and manly.” Nick fashed a smile at Sara.

Sara let out a chuckle, “Yes, I’ve very lucky I have such a strong man,” Sara said, bringing her hands up Nick’s arms and touching his rock hard muscles, “very lucky.”

Nick’s eyes practically rolled to the back of his head from Sara’s soft touch. As his body started to heat up and his muscles clench, Sara removed her hand, completely unaware that her single, meaningless touch was sending Nick to cloud 9.

“So, how far away is Tonopha?” Sara asked, heading around to the front of the car.

Nick blinked his eyes and shook his head, bringing himself back from his current Sara-fantasy, “Um, I’m not really sure four-five hours? Not even? I’ve never been there.”

Sara nodded her head as she stepped into the passenger seat of Nick’s Tahoe. Nick quickly followed as he closed the back door and headed to the driver’s side. How was he going to restrain himself from her? He was already getting worked up by the anticipation of it all. Well, at least having fun in the back wasn’t a temptation anymore, seeing as there was no more room back there.


Within the first hour of their drive, Sara started to fade out, eventually falling into a deep sleep. It was hard for Nick to keep his eyes on the road with a sleeping Sara Sidle beside him. He always said to himself, ‘if she was sleeping beside him, she wouldn’t be sleeping for long.’ but it was pretty hard to push that saying, seeing as he was tangled up with driving the vehicle.

Her hair lay across across her shoulder, making Nick want to lace his fingers through it, taking in her gorgeous scent. Her eyes lids sealed tight, allowing little light through to brighten up her chocolate brown eyes, giving off a twinkle of light. The way her eye brows tightened, showing she was dreaming of something. Nick’s heart got lifted up as he smiled when he heard Sara start to sleep talk. No... no don’t Sara started, Nick.... please help me. Realization spread across Nick. Sara was dreaming of him. He couldn’t even begin to count how many dreams he’s had of her. Sara continued, Grissom, no... Grissom. Please come back!

“No,” Nick said quietly to himself, responding to Sara’s dream, “Don’t come back Grissom. Leave, let me have a chance to be her hero.”

hope you guys enjoyed it:) third chapter's almost ready. sorry it took so long to update. didn't have time to go over the spelling and stuff, hope you guys don't mind! :D
*screams in delight and agony* You had to leave it there, didn't you? LOL! I so have to know what the heck she was dreaming about! Can't wait for the third chapter.
Love it chicka, dangerous grounds when two hot CSI's are having a road trip, things are bound to happen. Good descripition and waiting to see what happens next, good job!
thank you for the reviews everyone!! hope you like my next chapter!

Chapter 3

4:00 am, and finally at their destination, Nick turned the Tahoe into the hotel parking lot. Sleep finally taking a tole on him, he decides to check in and get a good rest before starting the case and getting, if lucky, power naps in between DNA tests.

Nick looked over at Miss-Sleeping-Beauty. She looked to peaceful, gorgeous laying there. He didn’t want to wake her up, but, of course, didn’t want to just leave her there either.

“Sar,” Nick whispered to her softly, “sweetie... we’re here.”

Sara didn’t budge. Stubborn awake, stubborn asleep.

“Sar, come on. We’re at the hotel.”

Realizing Sara was probably deep in her dreams, and knowing how irritated it was when people woke him up from his amazing Sara-dreams, Nick decided to carry her into the hotel. Stepping out of his door and walking around to unbuckle Sara, he couldn’t wait to have her in his arms. After the unbuckling-seatbelt task was done, he tucked one arm under Sara’s legs and the other on her back. He gently moved her out of her seat and into his arms, closing the door with his hip. Sara seemed to cuddle closer to his chest, making Nick very tempted to kiss her glimmering lips.

He finally made it inside the hotel, Sara still sound asleep in his arms. He turned and saw a petite brunette behind the large front desk, clearly amused with the smile on her face.

Nick flashed a smile back, “Hello.”

“Hi,” the woman said, “do you... need a hand?”

Noticing the little joke tied in the question, Nick let out a small chuckle, “Um.. I think I got this,” motioning his eyes to the angel in his arms, “but, I won’t mind you getting a room out, Miss...”

“Amy Haulburg,” the young woman said, smiling, “a suite for you and your wife...”

Nick’s eyes bulleted up to the woman, “Wife? No, we’re not together...”

Amy nodded, turning her face to the computer monitor and saying under her breath, “not yet.”

The two words didn’t go unnoticed by Nick, causing his face to lighten, smile to excel and mind to wonder.

“Ok, so do you want two rooms, one bed in each; or one room, two beds?” Amy asked, looking back up at Nick and the sleeping Sara.

Nick knew what he wanted. Heck, Amy knew what he wanted. He just didn’t know what Sara would want. Should he take a chance?

“Um... what’s... what’s the cheapest?” Nick asked, knowing the answer already.

Amy smiled, “one room.”

Nick looked down at Sara, “one room ok with you, Sar?” smiling, he turned his attention back to Amy, “could you show us there?”

Amy nodded, grabbing the room key-card and walking out from behind the desk, motioning for Nick to follow her to his room.


Finally, letting Sara out of his embrace, he gently lied her down on one of the beds in the room. She looked so beautiful, lying there. How nick wished he could fall asleep next to her every night, feel her warm body flush against his bare skin, knowing that in the morning, he’ll wake up to her by his side, giving her a kiss on the cheek to showing how he loves her. No matter what the case, no matter what the crime, he could always hug her and feel secure, safe.

Nick walked over to his bed and ripped off the covers. Laying the blanket on top of Sara, he tucked some stray hairs behind her ear. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him?


After grabbing the bags from the car and finding another blanket, Nick finally decided to get some much needed sleep. Pulling his shirt over his head, he crawled into his bed, quickly looking over at Sara before tuning off his light and letting his dreams take him over.


Light peeked through the curtains of the hotel room. Turning over on her side, Sara saw that the clock said 7:00. How long had she been asleep?

Arms stretched, Sara looked over at the other bed, containing a shirtless Nicky. His tanned chest, sleeping muscles, dreaming eyes. Talk about a good morning.

One room? Sara thought. At first, she thought they’d each get their own rooms. Guess Nick had other plans; not that she minded. Who wouldn’t want to share a room with Nick Stokes? Waking up to him half naked every morning. Having the thought that he’s changing in the next room. Dream come true really.

“Good morning,” Nick said, smiling as he noticed Sara was staring at his chest.

Sara came out of her haze and looked up into Nick’s brown eyes, “Good morning.”

“Good sleep?” nick asked, completely aware of Sara checking out his arms.
“Yeah. How long did I sleep for?” Sara asked, bring her eyes back up to his.

“Since... 12? I carried you in. Hope you don’t mind that we share the same room. It was much cheaper,” Nick replied, hoping Sara didn’t see the little lie tucked in there.

“No, no,” Sara quickly said, “You’re fine.. I mean,” Sara smiled, pink filling up her cheeks, “it’s fine. Doesn’t matter to me,” she paused for a second, a smiled crossed her face, “you carried me in?”

Nick let a smile break out across his tired lips, “You looked so peaceful. Didn’t want to wake you. Besides, if I can carry that body-bag,” Nick said, motioning with his eyes toward Sara’s suitcase, “I can easily carry you.”

Sara smiled as she stood up and let out a snicker, “Well, thank you Mr. Stokes.”

“Anytime Miss Sidle,” Nick replied, letting his eyes wander all over her morning skin. The morning sun made her arms glow. He face lit up, smile and eyes. He wants her; he needs her... he loves her.

Sara laced her fingers through her hair, “Well, we should probably be getting ready. We should of been at the crime scene last night.”

Nick stepped out from under the covers and walked toward Sara, “Yeah, we’ll just say we had... car troubles. They’ll believe us.”

Sara nodded in agreement. Detectives could usually fall for any excuse the CSIs gave them. Funny the way that worked, they’re not supposed to believe someone, mostly a suspect, without sufficient evidence. Sara turned around and practically ran into Nick’s bare chest. His manly scent, soft skin. The idea of running her hands down his body was becoming quite tempting. Looking up into Nick’s brown eyes, she suddenly had the state of mind to say something.

“Well,” Sara said, swallowing and taking a deep breath as she bent down to grab some clothes from her bag, “I’m gonna go take a shower.”

Nick smiled. Fully naked Sara in the next room, “Not if I beat you there,” Nick said, flashing a teasing smile before bursting toward the bathroom.

“Nick!” Sara yelled, running after him.

Before Nick could open the bathroom door, Sara pounced on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and putting her legs around his waist. Laughing and tugging, she attempting to take him down but not succeeding.

“Sar!” Nick laughed, hands pressed against the door, “get off!”

“No!” Sara said, trying even harder to bring him to the ground.

“Sara...” Nick laughed even more, “you’re not gonna be able to take me down. I’m stronger.”

Sara ignored that as she made Nick move closer to her bed. As soon as they were close, she pushed Nick onto the bed, falling down on top of him afterward. Bodies flush against each other, they started to feel awkward, but Sara still feeling confident, “I get the bathroom first,” she said, smile spreading across her face in victory.

Nick smiled, “Fine, you win.”

Sara smiled as she ruffled her hands through Nick’s hair. Moving her hands back to his chest, she pressed down on him and pushed herself off. Nick let out a chuckle. This was going to be an interesting few days. Hopefully they could wake up and do this every morning.