"A La Cart" Episode Discussion *SPOILERS*

I don't like eating something if i can't see it...to many stories of people accidentally bitting into rats, or chicken heads in the chicken nuggets (true story!) for me...eek.

I am a little worried about this eppy, because the ctv ad shows mostly the gsr stuff and they are hinting to a love triangle with nick and cath and warrick romance. This will just become overkill if they attempt this.
wait wait wait. woah, triangle w/ nick and rick and cath?

i'm a major shipper, and i'll stand by my ship and say i want a bit more explanations and to see the relationship pan out...run its course...but i also want to see them keep the balance of personal and professional. someone said somewhere, that this is a show about meshing the forensics with those who put perspective on it. it's not technically about just the science, though that's the major part of it.

once again, it's incredibly hard to make everyone happy...which sucks because i wish we all could just enjoy the show and get along...*sigh*

i wouldn't want to eat w/out seeing either...but if you're blind i guess it doesn't make a difference. it's possibly like a wierd quirk in some people not to have to see what they eat. it could be romantic...or just eco-friendly because blind people don't need light because it doesn't make a difference anyways...

who knows...can't wait to find out!
wait wait wait. woah, triangle w/ nick and rick and cath?

er no, i am just not very good with english

I meant a love triangle with Nick, sara and grissom...or nick maybe just disagreeing with GSR, which would make sense because of the comment he made last season...but why he disagrees with it may be a romantic thing

and a romance between cath and warrick...its on the ctv ad
agreed xfcanadian!

i honestly think that there's something more behind nick's feelings for sara then just 'friendly feelings'. there's something there... and that's why he got teary up and that's why nick's asking greg if SARA told him (greg) about grissom.

i'm really excited for this episode. cant wait to see how it plays out...
xfcanadian said:and a romance between cath and warrick...its on the ctv ad

I downloaded that clip and viewed it several times. It is very dark but it does not look to me like there is any flirting there. To me, they are not facing each other directly but off to the side. Cath's right shoulder is just beyond Wark's right and they are looking in opposite directions.
Probably a false alarm. I hope so. Much to soon for more lovies. We don't know if Wark's getting divorced or not either. Cath wouldn't be a poacher.
Edit to get my left and rights straight.
I loved the promo with Warrick/Cath so close. I really hope we get a lot of Nick/Greg interaction because I love the dynamic those boys have together.

I am really looking forward to the whole dining in the dark thing. Should take for an interesting episode. We need a little humor after such a stressful and emotional episode we had last week.
Dining in the dark, sounds like a breeding ground for CSI fun. :D

Go-karts being used on a highway...were they doing illegal street racing in a different way?

And my favorite part where Ecklie interrigates Sara and Grissom. Ecklie has come into his own and I think he's going to do the investigation in the best possible way.
I am looking forward to this episode. Both cases look very interesting. I have never been go-carting on a highway though...I am glad they are getting back to A & B case too and the CSI I love to watch.
BrookeSidle said:
I was wondering that too. In the "series regulars" list, Sara Sidle: Jorja Fox isn't there.
This information may have been released BEFORE we learned that Sara is still alive. The producers might have wanted the suspense to continue.
When Gris and Sara are talking to Eklie I am gathering they had a fling or something before they started working together, as Gris said 9 years.
Sara asked Gris out in like series 2 wasnt it? and he said no, so they definitely were not dating then.
But they both were asked when they first were intimate so gris is probably thinking back to the fling or something they had. Whereas Sara is disregarding that, as they were not properly dating then so she did it from when they first dated properly.
But the episode looks fun and I will be glad to see it actually back to normal and not tooooo much about GSR. :)
Grissom thinks in terms of emtional intamacy so when you ask him he has been emotionaly intamite with Sara for nine years. Sara knows Ecklie is talking about physical intamcy so she says two years. Of course this lets us know that they got together right after Nick was kidnapped.
I agree with nickssunshine...Grissom is seeing it as he was drawn to Sara in San Francisco when she attended his lecture series....and Sara is focusing on the physical.

This epi should be AWESOME.