8x08 - 'Point of Impact' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**


Hub Master

Los Angeles Laker Pau Gasol Guest Stars as a Person of Interest in the Case

"Point of Impact" - When the CSIs investigate who or what caused a horrific car accident, both drivers' darkest secrets are revealed, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, Nov. 16 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Los Angeles Laker Pau Gasol guest stars as a person of interest in the case.

Horatio Caine............................. David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne....................... Emily Procter
Eric Delko............................. Adam Rodriguez
Jesse Cardoza............................ Eddie Cibrian
Ryan Wolfe............................... Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp................................ Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista........................... Eva La Rue
Walter Simmons............................ Omar Miller

Tom Loman...................... Christian Clemenson
Dave Benton............................... Wes Ramsey

Andrew Ballard....................... Henry Simmons
Karen Ballard............................... Sherri Saum
Lily Ballard................................... Nieko Mann
Greg Ballard.................................. Arjay Smith
Victor Emparo................................. Pau Gasol
Marta Emparo........................ Paloma Guzman
Nicole........................................... Meg Cionni
Bert......................................... J. Trevor Davis
Officer............................................ Ron Rogge

WRITTEN BY: Krystal Houghton

DIRECTED BY: Eric Mirich

(futon critic)
anyway...where is Valera? Why is she never present in new episodes?

I wonder that too. Originally she was listed for the crossover episode, but they had Natalia doing the DNA instead. :rolleyes: Natalia is a CSI and she should be doing CSI stuff and the DNA should be done by Valera and only Valera. Poor Nat is always stuck doing Valera's job. :lol:
My... thoughts? :lol: More like random comments that you'll be able to make nothing of unless you're watching the episode.

- "So we're looking for a biiiig guy." "Oh, I think the word you're looking for is tall Officer Cardoza, we're looking for a tall guy." Walter, is, awesome.

- Holy he's tall.

- CSI freaking Cardoza. Psh. He still has yet to grow on me.

- What the? He's dead? Whoa.

- The ME is so awesome. Lmao at his demonstration of what happened.

- Mmm Ryan looks goood. He and Walter did a fist bump! So awesome. :lol:

- Dave is hot. And I LOVE HORATIO.

- "Eyeballs are like my kryptonite." And then Cal sticks it in his face. :lol:

- I bet the husband did it. They're trying to make us feel way too sorry for him.

- Calleigh looks like a midget walking beside Walter and he looks like a giant. :lol:

- Calleigh, Ryan, Walter, and Jesse all in the garage together. Yay for teamwork!

- I hate how Ryan is always asking questions and Walter is always telling him things. Shouldn't he know this stuff? :rolleyes:

- Horatio in the garage with Ryan. Finding things four of his other CSI's didn't find before. :lol:

- More teamwork!

- "That's marijuana." *Calleigh sniffs Jesse* "Why are you smelling me?" :guffaw:

- Aaaw Ryan's sad eyes. I love.

- I was wrong, the son did it. :( It was an accident though. Aaw. Poor guy.

- Only in Miami do you almost run over alligators instead of squirrels.

- Well that was an interesting episode. I liked it. Not many complaints at all!
Unfortunately, Natalia was not seen in this episode. That would be my only complaint. Other than that I liked this episode a lot! Mainly because there were scenes with Ryan, Calleigh, Walter and Jesse working together trying to solve the case. They worked as a team and that was great to see!

Other things I liked, Calleigh joking around with Walter. I could understand why Walter wasn't amused, an eyeball would creep me out too!! Then there's a scene with Jesse and Calleigh, she smells marijuana and smelled him :guffaw:Jesse asking why she's smelling him was funny!

The case had me guessing a lot, it wasn't as predictable as I thought it would be. Just when you think the case is solved, there's another twist! The case had a sad ending though, it was a tragic accident and you could see Ryan and H felt for the person responsible

Next week's epi looks good too, looks like more team interaction hopefully Natalia will be on next week!
Initial thoughts:

-No Natalia again. Could it be because she's supposed to take part in the 'All My Children' anniversary stuff? It would explain why she's been MIA lately.

-A good amount of team comraderie (Calleigh and Walter, Walter and Ryan, Calleigh and Jesse, Horatio and Dave etc.) and balance between all the characters. It was nice to see. :)

The case kept me guessing to the end. :eek: It was a good one and the 'unfortunate mistakes leading to death' are the type of episodes I enjoy the most. It can happen to anyone and it didn't necessarily deal with some kniving plan to rid the world of someone. Kudos to them on that.

The forensics of it was really interesting as well. I liked the accident reconstruction theories and testing the clothes to determine who was sitting where. Of course, most of this would probably take way more than a day (My accident was 2 years ago and the evidence is still being collected) but what can you do when you've only got a 40-minute space to fill.

Overall, really loved this one.
I liked the episode. I liked how everyone worked together. The eyeball part was creepy Walter and Calleigh should have more scenes together. They had me laughing.

Is there a new episode next week? I didn't see a promo or did it sneak past me?
Yeah there was a promo. The next episode seems to be a Jesse ep.
As for my thoughts on tonight's episode, it was really, really sad. The end was tough to watch but sometimes life is just like that.

However I enjoyed the teamwork. My only complaint was that Horatio seemed a little distant at first, but that changed later on so it's no big deal.

And can someone tell me where Kyle is? He had a job there now he's just gone.:confused:
CSIKitty, there is a new episode next week.
It showed Jesse somewhere wearing a tux and some woman saying he came back to Miami to harass her or something. Calleigh asks Jesse who the girl is. He says what girl and she says "the one you're stalking".

bgnogan, Kyle is not going to be featured this season unfortunately.

Tonight's ep was good except for the lack of Natalia (maybe Eva is off filming her scenes for the AMC anniversary thing).

The one-liner was back... sorta. :lol:

Enough with the dang split screens already!

"I think he's the largest one I ever caught." :lol: Tom with jello and that car sound he made= :guffaw:

talk and die syndrome?

Ryan's hungry. Awww. It was cute the way he said that. :lol:

"How in the hell did you fit under there?" :lol:

Fist bump! Awesome!

"She shouldn't have been behind a pottery wheel much less a steering wheel."

Calleigh looked like she was about to cry when she told the husband about his wife.

"Cross your fingers and your toes." :lol: I love Dave!

The woman was having an affair? That poor guy when he finds out.

Sure have been a lot of Horatio/Cal scenes lately. Not complaining at all though. Last season they were few and far between. I like that they are having scenes together more now.

"Eyeballs are like my Kryptonite." :lol: I love when Calleigh was sneaking up on Walter to show him the eye... and then her giggle. So cute. :lol:

Was Tom stuttering when he told Calleigh the woman wasn't over the limit?

Did anyone else think that the person in the lab room with Ryan (when he was processing the pedal) looked like Valera? Or the back of her head at least.

The tall guy's sister must have been the one where the casting call said "think Megan Fox" cause she kind of looked a little bit like Megan Fox.

Jesse, Cal, Walter and Ryan in the garage together at the same time? Wow!

:lol: Love Ryan and Walter teasing each other. "You know, there was a nice young man who transfered from the night shift. And now he thinks he's God's gift to forensics. Shame to see." :lol: Ryan's playful teasing voice was just adorable. And the gesture Walter did in reply with the microscope was the equivalent of sticking his tongue out at Ryan. :lol:

The mom being a "backseat driver" reminds me a lot of the way my mother was when she would take me driving when I was a teenager.

"Why are you smelling me?" :lol:

I feel bad for that family.

What was with the backwards scenes? That was weird.

I imagine the worst punishment for the son is knowing that his need for pot caused his mother's death.
I seem to be the only one who didn't like this ep. The rest of the ones this season were good, and I didn't have anything to add, but this one drove me nuts, so to speak.

* I used to investigate auto accidents - the force of the impact and speed the vehicles were traveling would never have flipped the SUV like it did and the daughter had to be unseatbelted to be ejected as far as she was. Also, the mom's eyeball would not have detached in the forces of that accident. A Bentley doesn't come with airbags?? :WTF: Again, the force of impact appeared to be more in line with Pau Gasol's character getting a concussion, not scrambling his brain like the ME showed. It all just beggared plausibility, far more than Miami usually does.

* Well at least now we know what's been eating at Ryan lately - I didn't take his remark to Walter in the garage as teasing, I saw it as jealousy, and rather petty at that. He was once the go-getter kid who got onto the elite CSI team and never had to earn his stripes in night duty.

* I did like seeing Dave get the GPS going again (Dave rocks!) and I hope this ME stays. Tom is awesome. :)

* Good to see Henry Simmons again. Another NYPD:Blue alum!

* The ending with the rewind was just weird. What was it supposed to mean?

Overall I would grade this one, if these were graded, a C- for its lack of incorporating reality.
I think this episode was just OK. I did like the fact it kept me guessing to the end.

Everyone working as a team was nice.

I have to say I found the remark Ryan made to Walter as neither playful, or a bit of jealously. I felt he was standing up for himself. For weeks now he has had to endure the explanations from both Jesse and Walter for everything, like he doesn't have a brain one in his head. I say, good for you Ryan.

Calleigh, Walter and the eyeball funny. :lol:

The ME annoying. What was he smokin tonight? :shifty: Made me scream where is Alexx, and want to break Tara out of prison. :lol:
It was more or less Ryan playfully calling him a "know it all". :lol: Why he used all of those words instead of just teasingly saying with a smirk (I miss the smirk), "okay, Mr. know-it-all" or "okay, genius" I have no clue. That was my first thought. "Why is he using all of those words... just say know it all and be done with it." :lol: Ryan may have been slightly embarassed that he didn't know all of that stuff... but I don't think that would have been an issue had two other people not been in the room at the time. :lol: To mask his embarassment, he used humor, or attempted to anyway. Walter seemed to understand that and didn't have any problem with it.

I do agree about the accident though. It was a little far-fetched that her eyeball would come out from the accident and that the girl would be thrown that far if she were wearing her seatbelt. And the thing with the tall guy was just weird altogether. talk and die syndrome? :wtf:

I actually thought Tom was funny in this episode.

Is anyone else getting the feeling though that Ryan is having issues with the fact that Eric left? I mean, I kind of get the feeling that he's feeling that just when he and Eric get to a place where they are kind of more comfortable and becoming more like friends, Eric leaves.

I don't think Ryan was standing up for himself in that scene with Walter. I don't think there was a reason for him to have been doing that. The writers are just going too far with trying to explain things to the audience that they make some characters look dumb in the process. Ryan isn't the only one they've done this to. They've even done it to Cal and Nat before. I do however think that Ryan may feel a bit insecure that he isn't up to date on the new discoveries in the forensic world. I think it may lead to him deciding to take some more classes to get up to speed on all things forensics.
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It was more or less Ryan playfully calling him a "know it all". :lol: Why he used all of those words instead of just teasingly saying with a smirk (I miss the smirk), "okay, Mr. know-it-all" or "okay, genius" I have no clue. That was my first thought. "Why is he using all of those words... just say know it all and be done with it." :lol: Ryan may have been slightly embarassed that he didn't know all of that stuff... but I don't think that would have been an issue had two other people not been in the room at the time. :lol: To mask his embarassment, he used humor, or attempted to anyway. Walter seemed to understand that and didn't have any problem with it.

I do agree about the accident though. It was a little far-fetched that her eyeball would come out from the accident and that the girl would be thrown that far if she were wearing her seatbelt. And the thing with the tall guy was just weird altogether. talk and die syndrome? :wtf:

I actually thought Tom was funny in this episode.

Is anyone else getting the feeling though that Ryan is having issues with the fact that Eric left? I mean, I kind of get the feeling that he's feeling that just when he and Eric get to a place where they are kind of more comfortable and becoming more like friends, Eric leaves.

I don't think Ryan was standing up for himself in that scene with Walter. I don't think there was a reason for him to have been doing that. The writers are just going too far with trying to explain things to the audience that they make some characters look dumb in the process. Ryan isn't the only one they've done this to. They've even done it to Cal and Nat before. I do however think that Ryan may feel a bit insecure that he isn't up to date on the new discoveries in the forensic world. I think it may lead to him deciding to take some more classes to get up to speed on all things forensics.

I think you may be right about Ryan being embarrased. But I don't beleve Ryan is that outdated on the forensics portion of his job. Is he? Because everywhere he turns, it appears he doesn't know anything? IMO, the writers need to do a little work. In most professions (such as this), they are required to take classes, attend siminars etc. to remain current. I was in nursing for years, and that was one of our requirements. :)

I still say the ME was smokin someting. :lol:
Ok maybe its just me...way too much of Jesse in this episode for my liking. I am sick of him already. As someone mentioned to me last night, who died and left Jesse in charge. Sorry, still bitter.

Calleigh seems different to me, softer even. I guess I can see how the case would affect her because of her dad's drinking problem.

Calleigh showing Walter the eyeball made me laugh

Poor Ryan was hungry, get the man a cheeseburger

I love Henry Simmons, but not with facial hair. I felt bad for him. The poor man didn't know his wife was having an affair.

I love Dave, he rocks....nuff said.

I loved how Calleigh assumed it was Jesse who smelled like marijuana.

I was not too impressed with the episode, only cuz Natalia seemed to have disappeared yet again and Jesse seemed to be in every scene.

I miss Eric, but I digress.