I'm happy as long as Jack and Tony don't die. :D

Did you see Keifer in the new Tvguide? I am soooo ready for Frank :lol: :lol: :lol: I mean Jack. :lol:

This is one show where I don't get bored!! There's just so many twist that it has your heart beating fast. :D

i just cant get used to the name Frank...its always JACK BAUER! :D

*SPOILER*..for the prequel anyway...

ill be looking forward to the jack/frank and kim..."reunion"
Yeah, I saw the TV Guide article. They keep advertising in the promos the first 10 minutes are going to be awesome. I'm expecting a very intense season.
Does anyone know if A&E will be showing Season 4 once S3 is over? :rolleyes: Just wondering.

You know, I can't picture Tony calling Jack "Frank?" :eek:

I haven't heard anything definate. I know they bought the syndication rights to 24, so I would assume they would.
Call 1-888-924-5225 for an audio preview of 24. NO SPOILERS.

Guess who answers the phone?
i heard something similar...for s4
someone took down the cell number they used in the show, cant remember who called whom...but it belonged to one of the crew :p

the person called during a recording, apparently..