Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #25 ~ Voting!
Ok - first just a few things. We have had alot of new people join so I want to go over a few things with you.
1. PLEASE make sure 1 person PM's me the pic you are using. I need this to verify you are both using the same pic. We have had issues with this in the past.
2. Don't vote for your own for your challenger. You vote for each other and then that vote basically does not count.
3. Please get your icons in on time. If for some reason you cannot meet the deadline - PM me so I know about it.
4. Please do not delete your pic and icon out of photobucket until at least voting goes up. I don't always have time to save them right away and then I have to chase them down.
Ok I think that is it.
Results are up!
Challenge A
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - starzsgirl vs. eveninstars14
Achieved votes - #1. 6 #2. 25
Winner: #2 -
Challenge B
Restrictions - No restriction
Participants - blackflag vs. Adorable_Crazy
Achieved votes - #1. 10 #2. 21
Winner: #2 -
Challenge C
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - egeria vs. FallenForFlack
Achieved votes - #1. 5 #2. 26
Winner: #2 -
Challenge D
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - H_Miami_Fan vs. Orla_dark
Achieved votes - #1. 14 #2. 17
Winner: #2 -
Challenge E
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - nattybatty55 vs. CSISenna
Achieved votes - #1. 24 #2. 7
Winner: #1 -
Challenge F
Restrictions - blending required
Participants - Shazza_018 vs. Dragonfly
Achieved votes - #1. 23 #2. 8
Winner: #1 -
Challenge G
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - Shazza_018 vs. cathwillows
Achieved votes - #1. 22 #2. 9
Winner: #1 -
Challenge H
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - GregNickRyanFan vs. FallenForFlack
Achieved votes - #1. 23 #2. 8
Winner: #1.
Challenge I
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - starszgirl vs. MacsLvlyAngl
Achieved votes - #1. 8 #2. 23
Winner: #2.
Challenge J
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - GregNickRyanFan vs. blackflag
Achieved votes - #1. 17 #2. 14
Winner: #1.
Challenge K
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - Orla_Dark vs. Adorable_Crazy
Achieved votes - #1. 14 #2. 17
Winner: #2.
Challenge L
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - H_Miami_Fan vs. Dragonfly
Achieved votes - #1. 24 #2.
Winner: #1. H_Miami_Fan
Challenge M
Restrictions - No restrictions
Participants - egeria vs. Axelsonfire
Achieved votes - #25. 8 #2. 6
Winner: #1. Axelsonfire
Please PM me with any issues. Thanks!