1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #25 ~ Now Up!

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Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

Oh man! It's about time! :lol:
Good to have you back Kat! Let me know how your vacation went! :D I'd love to hear all about it! :)

On the right topic :lol: :
I'm open for a few challenges if anyone wants to take me on! :)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

^Sure Sara why not PM and we'll sort s/t out!

Also open for another challenge :).
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

I'm open for a challenge or two :) Anyone interested?
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now open!

I'd like to do one (maybe two) if there are any takers. :)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now open!

FieldMouse - I'll take you on if your up for it! Just PM me! :)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

Oh yay, the 1v1 is open again! BTW: welcome back Kat, I hope you had a great vacation! :)

I'll do two aswell :D

@Vera- You still up for a rematch?!?!

OK, July the 5th is working for me, so let's do it again Nat!
And because I'm a lazy gal - could you provide a cap, please? (I'm really a bit lost in work, so it would be awesome :))
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Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

Ok, I'll get around to the cap when I get back later ;)

I think i'd be up for a second one.....
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now open!

Call me blonde:wtf: But I want to try, but don't really understand the instruction. Could someone explain them to me in maybe easier terms or PM, as my mind isn't thinking straight:lol:

Thanks Lind
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

I'm thinking of one or two challenges, if anyone's interested... ;)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

Ok - here is where we stand to the best of my knowledge! :lol:

confirmed challenges
wolfesgamergirl vs. shazza_018
nattybatty55 vs. cinegirl

wolfesgamergirl vs. DragonflyDreamer (unconfirmed)
shazza_018 vs. fieldmouse (unconfirmed)

Open for challenges
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Now Up!

Oh, it's a good thing you posted that, Kat.

Wolfesgamergirl, I completely missed your post. Sorry about that. Sure, I'll go against you. You choose the picture :)
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