1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #25 ~ Now Up!

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Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

Thanks, Kat. That works for me, too. I can get something done this weekend before the perils start over again(!). Thanks love. :)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

Alright, dead-line changed to May 17th. :)
Aaaand - though I shouldn't do it, but I want to - if there's anybody out there who wants to bring me down, let me know! :p
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

Nat, up for a challenge? :)

And Vera, perhaps you can take me down and not tie this time? :lol:
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

Oh what the heck....I'll do two unless Vera just wants the one with you by the sounds of it we're both busy lately :lol: But i'll definatly take that challenge Sara :D Pm me :D
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

ok - lets see where we are
confirmed challenges
shazza_018 vs. althea
wolfesgamergirl vs. nattybatty 55
wolfesgamergirl vs. cinegirl
zelda49 vs. Adorelo
cinegirl vs. nattybatty55
shazza_018 vs. DragonflyDreamer

althea vs. MelC (unconfirmed)


Ok I think that is where we stand. Please let me know if I am missing anything or messed something up. I am also thinking of doing one this time....so if anyone is interested - just let me know.
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

In that case... how 'bout a challenge MelC? :lol: And if anyone else wants I could probably do two...
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

ok - lets see where we are
confirmed challenges
shazza_018 vs. althea
wolfesgamergirl vs. nattybatty 55
wolfesgamergirl vs. cinegirl
zelda49 vs. Adorelo
cinegirl vs. nattybatty55
shazza_018 vs. DragonflyDreamer
althea vs. MelC

speedsdaughter vs. MelC

Please let me know if I am missing anything or messed something up.
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

I was wondering.. could i use the same icon for more than 1 challenge, if those challenges are of the same screencap? I'm not really planning to, but just wondering if it's against any rules to do so.
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

I was wondering.. could i use the same icon for more than 1 challenge, if those challenges are of the same screencap? I'm not really planning to, but just wondering if it's against any rules to do so.

Uhm, well, I'd say for each challenge it has to be a new icon - keeps it at least a bit more anonymous. :)
Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #16 ~ Now Open!

Just sent both of my icons in :D Sara and Vera I cant wait to see what you both come up with...Just thought- we've got ourselves in a 'challenge triangle' here :lol:
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