Challenges are back open, so here's a new one! Hopefully we'll have some more interest this time around.
Challenge #39
The rules
-2 challenge limit.
-You and your partner may do
100x100 or 140x140 icons. You will decide that
-Please PM me,
Finch with all the necessary information/icons. If you can't Private Message, send me an e-mail at speedcochrane2008 (minus the spacing).
How to send the PM:
1st PM:
Subject: 1v1 challenge: The Challenge,#39
Any restrictions?:
Picture: (URL and/or image. Preferably both)
Icon size: 100x100 or 140x140
-Make sure that the screencap you've both agreed to has been loaded to your own hosting space (Ie
hotobucket) and not hotlinked.
2nd PM:
Subject: 1v1 challenge#39 The Icon
URL and /or image for the icon
(I really prefer both, but for those people who cannot post images - the URL is absolutely fine )
- Both entrants must PM their icon to me to keep things kosher (ie: don't send your icon to your partner to forward

We're going to try a challenge this time
without the sign-up deadline.
However, please make sure that when you enter yourselves (at any time), that you have enough time to make your icons and send them in before the deadline. Please get back to your partners in a timely fashion!
You will have until
Saturday, July 24th at 4:00pm MST (11:00pm GMT) to submit your icons.