1000 Forensic Things You Have Learnt From CSI

I think that this is from one of the CSI's, but I'm not entirely sure:

42. You can tell if a person is lying or not by the way that they move their eyes and by the direction that they look in.
I think that it's if you are looking to the left, you are probably lying or making something up.
44. That a person's location in a photograph can be identified by finding out what landmarks are in the background.
47. I learned that peat moss can preserve a body for many years...

48. Human fat never dries up, it just gets waxy.(I honestly didn't know this...shoot me now)

49. That there are our kinds of tears: joy, sadness, allergy and one more that i can't remember :rolleyes:
thanks, Sara for this info...
52. When a bomb explodes it has two phases: the first one sucks in the components of the room and the second one extracts it. (CSI: Miami 'A Horrible Mind') I'm not sure if that's how it goes.
I dunno if somebody already said this but....

53. A stabber always cuts himself during a stabbing.

54. A blank in a gun can still kill you because it still has the same amount of pressure as a real bullet.
57. I've learnt the lingo. :lol: Just to explain, I might not know what the terms all mean in detail, but I can recognise the terms, etc and vaguely understand most of the things they refer to. :)