‘CSI’ Coroner Talks

CSI Files

CSI’s <font color=yellow>Robert David Hall</font> (Coroner Albert Robbins) speaks out about his disability, his thoughts on William Petersen and his plans for the upcoming hiatus.

Some believe the crutch Hall uses to walk on the show to be a prop. It isn’t. In 1978, the Volkswagen Hall was driving was struck by a semi-trailer that crossed the median, crushing his car. Before Hall could be removed from his car, his gas tank burst into flames. He suffered burns on 68 percent of his body and his legs had to be amputated. But Hall’s disability it never discussed. “Why should it be? It’s accepted. As it should be in any profession. Al has a crutch, yes. End of discussion,” he says. “In the real world, disabled people are holding down all kinds of jobs.”

Halls thinks <font color=yellow>William Petersen</font> (Gil Grissom) is “tops.” “He’s front and center in every episode but he gives us all space. Very loyal, very imaginative about finding new ways to do a scene.”

With the season down to the last few episodes, Halls says, “It’s like waiting for school to get out for the summer. I’ll probably do an independent film, continue speaking out. I want to teach others to switch as I had to do from being a victim to being a survivor.”

To read the full article, head over to the <A class="link" HREF=http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/202548>Toronto Star</a>.<center></center>
Hmm, feeling talkative today, I am.

I love news bits like this, honestly I do, and I love it when Hall speaks like this. He's earned my real admiration for being so supportive of other disabled actors. It also really warms me when some of these beautifully talented people, or representations of similar problems, find their way onto CSI.

A good favourite of mine was Sounds of Silence, that, was beautiful. I'm looking forward to getting Happenstance soon over here in Australia, and the CSI: NY episode, Silent Night. I also, oh, always, enjoyed J. Grant Albrecht in a wheelchair when he appeared as Leonard Giles on CSI: NY, and the way it was just accepted without concern. A few groups, if I can say groups, which CSI has portrayed over the years, have not taken whatever portrayal has been shown, positively, and, I give them that. Some of the ways things are spun, aren't all that flattering. But nothing about murder is, so, there. Really, though, I'm happy with what they give us. I know the sting of mental illness, and I know people who are disabled, so, for the most part, the representations are good for me. That’s me, really, even if others may think differently, I’m going to go with Hall on this one. What needs to be shown, is shown, and, in Robbins’ case most clearly, people are just accepting of the fact that he has a crutch, and so nothing’s really said, and everyone just gets on with it.

I knew that bit of history about Hall, though. I’m a CSI nerd, I read everything. And, I remember, one of the few instances, aside from character bios, that anything concerning his legs is mentioned.

Felonious Monk, S02E07.

(ROBBINS goes over the four autopsies with GRISSOM.)

ROBBINS: All were shot in the third eye, the sixth chakra, vortex of
consciousness. I was a gray's anatomy man, until I lost my legs. I started
getting phantom pains no drug or exercise could control. I began studying the

Hmm, maybe I talked to much, but, I don’t really mind. I’m happy and tickled pink at all this general positiveness flying around the air. Now only if I could stop worrying about the season finale, huh.
While I also know that about Hall, it's delightful to see this here. It takes a lot of guts to get up and get on with your life after a tragedy like his, and he has done exceptionally well. Definetly an inspiration to others.

Not to mention, Doc Robbins is an awsome character. He's always been one of my favorites :)
Cheers to Robert for sharing what is truly a horrific event and is trying to move on in life and is succeding in the entertainment business.

If he decides to make an independent film this summer, I wish him all the luck and can't wait to see him in season 8! :D