¿What is your favorite movie of ALL TIME?


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All right, everyone. You know it, I know it, EVERYONE knows it. We all have a favorite movie. What is it? It could be any type of movie, past or present. Some of us don't even have a favorite movie until we see about four or five back to back. (Trust me, I know.)

So, here you can talk about your favorite movie... I'll get it started.

Mine's 'Twister'. I watched it three times today... even when I had two other movies I watched it. (And the guy that played Rabbit? Alan Ruck? I finally figured out who he reminds me of. But I'll keep it a secret.) And do you know how many times I've seen it on TV? About two or three. (It was last year, but I can't remember.) All in all, I've seen it about 10 times. :p But when I first saw it, it scared me half to death. (I was only 4!!) Wanna know how it became my favorite movie? We had a tornado warning where I live and I watched it to get a glimpse of twisters and how to react and everything. And right then, it made me want to be a tornado chaser. :D So I can save peoples' lives. (How I regret it now. :lol: )
My favorite movie of all time is Gone With The Wind. It takes me forever to get through it because it's like three hours long but I love it. It's romantic and I'm a sucker for romance. Well... then I have three favorite movies of all time. Can we have that???

I love Casablanca and Titanic too. I love all three of them. They each have a terrific plot and cast and storyline and each make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... except for Titanic for the obvious reasons. and all make me cry at the right parts.

I don't know *shrugs*. I love all three of them. I could probably never choose.
I have two, One being "Practical Magic" dont get me wrong i'm not into Wicca nor am I a witch myself but theres just something about that movie that I love (plus both Nicole Kidman and Sandra bullock are my favorite actresses well atleast two of them)
My Other favorite is Pirates of the Caribbean for SO MANY reasons and only one of them being my Jack and Elizabeth Ship obession
Me favorite movie of all time is, The Breakfest Club. So real and teen angsty i loved it even before i was a teen. It is also funny and sad at the same time and it's just high school.

I talked about it during math class and i guess my teacher over heard me and i thought she was yelling at me but she was just excited i guess and she said "That was my all time favorite movie when i was younger" :lol:

And with the kid in me i also love The Goofy Movie ;)
szmandatogoholic said:
(And the guy that played Rabbit? Alan Ruck? I finally figured out who he reminds me of. But I'll keep it a secret.)
He was great in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I also remember him as one of the guys on the bus in Speed. I liked Twister, not only because I liked Helen, Bill, and of course Lois Smith, but also it was kind of fascinating for me because we had one go through our farm in 1978 and did quite a bit of damage, but it was at 3am and I was bummed I couldn't see it.

OK, on to the topic at hand - my favorite movie. No question on this one for me: The Sound of Music - I know it by heart. I love the singing, I love the story. It's normally shown on tv here every holiday season and I still find myself sitting and watching it all the way through, even though I have the dvd and could watch it anytime I want. The problem with the tv re-runs is that they always cut out some parts to make it fit in the time slot. They ran a special version one year (I think the 30th anniversary) with Julie Andrews talking about some behind-the-scenes stuff before it would go to commercial breaks.

Coming in a very close second would be The Quiet Man with John Wayne & Maureen O'Hara, who IMO are the greatest on-screen couple of all time. Such a great story, plus I've heard & read lots of Maureen's behind-the-scenes comments and stories and they're always quite fascinating.

Third would be The Parent Trap - the original version with Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith, and Hayley Mills.
My favourite movie would be The Goonies. I absolute love that movie and can't get enough of watching the movie. :D

My 2nd favourite movie would be The Breakfast Club, which is also an amazing one.
Twister is great but not my top three :p

Top three (nowadays):
LA Confidental
A Bronx Tale
Tuntematon sotilas, 1956 version
(Finnish movie "An Unknown Soldier", tells about our war in 30s-40s. I hate the remake)
My top 3 of all time favorites:
Forrest Gump
Edward Scissorshands
Schindler's List

Tom Hanks and Johnny Depp are my fave actors since I can think. Not only good looking but also great actors.
And the movies are so beautiful. And profund. And movies based on true stories are mostly very emotional. And I love such movies.
Oh, tuff one. I have loads, but I give you my top five favourite movies. :)

1. Leon: I really love this movie, I think it's just fantastic and I'm a really big Gary Oldman fan. :D

2. Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl: For so many reasons. :lol:

3. Lord Of The Rings - Return Of The King: I love the battle scene at the end, just amazing. Of Course, I love the previous 2, but this one is my favourite one out the trilogy.

4. Saw: As far as horror movies go, this one this one just blew me away. I remember sitting in the cinema at the end of the film and thinking, "This has to be the best horror movie I've ever seen". :eek:

5. Rebel Without A Cause: Classic movie with a great story and wonderful acting by James Dean. :)
My favorite movies are: Dirty Dancing, Pirates Of The Caribbean and The day after Tomorrow
Of course theres lots of other movies i like :)

2. Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl: For so many reasons. :lol:

See for Me I liked Dead mans Chest better I THINK its mainly because I CAN NOT stand Will so I didnt like Elizabeth with him and well what Happened between Elizabeth and Jack in Dead Mans Chest pleased me greatly
But alas thats besides the point
I have two so far:

1. Notorious (1946) - I love the twist of the story and Hitchcock's direction was amazing. I think this is the first "serious" film I saw of Cary Grant

2. Bridget Jones's Diary - Mark Darcy. Ding-dong.