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  1. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Yeah, I quite liked Tuesday's episode, I'll give it a 6/10 and this is because of the serious OOC-ness in Ryan and the lack of Natalia. Yeah, the N0153 thing was cool, and Walter was funny in this episode :) I'm so glad I'm the only one who thinks that Ray from LV is being forced onto the...
  2. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    I have an idea; maybe there could be a case that is related to the Russian mob and Ryan feels obliged to lead the case because of what happened in WISC, and he can be really smart and stuff :) I keep on getting the feeling that the writers are missing your point, BDS, there are lots of...
  3. Leggo my Jodieo

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    You know you watch too much CSI Miami when... 1. you yell 'YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!'at the top of your lungs when you see someone with sunglasses on. 2. You yell 'YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!' at the top of...
  4. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    Oh yeah!!! I've seen him :)
  5. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    I don't mean to change the subject, but I finished my video Hope you like it :)
  6. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    In the UK we just watched episode 3 'Bolt Action' and I thought that Ryan was slightly OOC in some scenes, mainly in the ones when he doesn't know what a cougar is. Is it true that they dumb Ryan down just to make Jesse seem smart? :angryrazz: That's not good :(
  7. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    Don' worry, I have like three unfinished fanfics and my friends won't stop bugging me to finish them :lol: I'm currently saving up to get all the CSI: Miami DVDs and I can't wait to see these special features that you are talking about : High five for drummers!!! :hugegrin:
  8. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    I once was going to write a fanfic about the girl who shot him with the nail gun, and Ryan goes to visit her kind of like Nick did to that girl in Grave Danger. But I never got round to it :( The writers only give continuity to E/C at the moment :scream::scream::scream: Oh, and Yoshi, I put...
  9. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    Ohh, can I also volunteer? :D I'd just like to slap the writers, thats all :lol: And Wolfwings, I think I'm a little OCD too because my room is a complete mess, with books and musical instruments and bags everywhere, but when I am doing coursework at home I have to line up all of my pens and...
  10. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    I agree, I found it OOC for Ryan to not know what a 'cougar' is, even I know what one is, but I liked it because it was kind of funny when he said 'oooooooohhhhh' Broke a Guinness world record today! For the most people sat in one place on a DS. 625 :D At the IMAX museum in Bradford.
  11. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    I think that she was referring to his OCD. The writers hardly mention it, and when they do it's so subtle that I have to re-watch the episode a few times until I realise it :confused:
  12. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    So last nights episode was actually really good; 1. Ryan got the one liner!!!! :lol: 2. The whole 'electrocuted on the beach' was rather freaky, because it was so well thought out, what with the lightning rod and stuff and the weather. Not good that I'm going to Morcambe next week and I'm...
  13. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    ^^^ Ok, thank you :)
  14. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    awwwh! :D thats sweet :) you wouldn't mind putting the link on here, would you? I'm avoiding the spoilers thread in case I read something I don't want to :shifty:
  15. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    me too :lol: Although, this episode looks good, and it's Walter's first apparently so it might be funny :)
  16. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    yeah, cuz getting kidnapped and tortured soooo isn't traumatic :rolleyes: seriously, what is with these writers? They don't seem to care about anything apart from the mainstream events of the season. I mean, the Calleigh/Eric storyline is going on fine, but all of the other ones? :wtf:. it...
  17. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    I'd probably go mad or something :lol: I definitely wouldn't have anything to watch apart from this new show Sherlock which looks good :)
  18. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    must. resist. the spoiler! :lol:
  19. Leggo my Jodieo

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    :eek: thats EVIL!!! :(
  20. Leggo my Jodieo

    Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

    there, thats my feedback sent :mad: :angryrazz: Grr! Why did the writers do that in Point of Impact?! I'm not looking forward to watching it :shifty: I mentioned how he is supposed to be slightly OCD yet he is being corrected by newbies. Now, I know someone who is slightly OCD, and that...