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    "Fearless" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    loved the Greg & MOrgan scenes
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    Greg/Morgan - You Still Owe Me One

    thanks kep forgetting that
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    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    Can someone make me a greg/morgan banner
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    Greg/Morgan - You Still Owe Me One

    Love these two. they have inspired me to write a fiction which i'll post up on fanfiction when its ready.
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    Greg/Morgan - You Still Owe Me One

    they r such a great little couple
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    Mac Taylor's Love Life *SPOILERS*

    team stella
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    Baseball 2011 Season

    Re: Baseball 2010 Season 7-7 in the yankees red sox game current. bottom of the 7th
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    Baseball 2011 Season

    Re: Baseball 2010 Season YANKEES all the way
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    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Sorry. more please
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    Adam/Stella: It only takes one night to lead you to love

    i like it how they are. adam acting as the baby bro to stella
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    i cant believe that they are going to have M<ac with another women on a date as stella gots into trouble. sorry i just seen the promo on youtube. damn it Mac and Stella suit each other. when s1 was on i thought they were like friends with benefits. hell they are closer than some married couples
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    new ny story

    more to come just workin on a uni essay due the 7th april
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    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    Angel By Jimi Hendrix Angel came down from heaven yesterday She stayed with me just long enough to rescue he And she told me a story yesterday, About the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea And then she spread her wings high over me She said she's gonna come back tomorrow...
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    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    love that greek song. i have more just got to find where i put them.
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Thank you. So Mac and Stella. Over the last few seasons i haVE noticed that they have been becoming closer. When Stella has had those bad Men in her life (Frankie and Andy) Mac has been there for her. And i think the same has been for Mac especially when Peyton dumped him thru a letter that...
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    new ny story just a big part like the last one
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    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    Gary Sinise's a St Patrick's day baby. Happy Birthday Gary. may there be many more to come.