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  1. S

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi,did episode 15 air yet,it says March 25th on the episode guide(wondering was that a typo),because epi's 16+17 are dated 11th + 18th March.I stream them because the season hasn't started here yet and I can't find it.
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    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    It's the same for me when I click on some of the links "not available in your geographic region",I always think I'm missing out on something good :(
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    Eva/Natalia #4: Don't Hate Her Because She's Beautiful

    Hi Guys,I unfortunatly don't have enough time to read all the posts so I only pick up bits and piece's of information.I have been trying to keep up with this one because Natalia is my favourite character. I read(and noticed) that Natalia isn't in some of the episodes this season,and wondered if...
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    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    Hi, I've just watched S12 E1, throughly enjoyed it.The last episode I saw was Langston face to face with Haskill(hope thats spelt properly)and Langston's ex was a hostage,was that the season 11 finale or have I missed an episode?
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Thanks Fanilowchick :), I looked her up and she played Mark Sloan's daughter in Grey's Anatomy,thats where I knew her from.
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi, I have another question, the woman that plays Molly is very familiar to me but I can't place her, can you please tell me what I would have seen her in,thanks a mil.
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Wow I really did miss something :confused:,thanks a million Fanilowchick and Redanemone.
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi,This isn't an episode question, I am just curious about something. I am finally up to date on season 9 and am really enjoying seeing so much of Natalia(she's my favourite :)) but I am wondering why we are seeing so little of Calleigh this season,she seems to be in each episode but only for a...
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    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    Hi,In what episode did Catherine tell Sam she was his daughter.
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    What was your favorite episode of season six?

    Hi,I have an episode question but couldn't find a thread so I'll ask here hope thats ok. One of the last episodes I've seen was the one where Lindsay just had her baby,then I saw the one where Aden's killer was caught,the episode's I've seen since have had Aden in them all. Haven't a clue whats...
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi, I've just watched the episode 'Die by the Sword',in it Natalia was told by the Doctor about another injury prior to the explosion, which in his experience 2 out of 3 times is caused by violence. I know about Nick,so I was wondering is this something he did to her when they were together or...
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi,it's been ages since I've been on the boards,stayed away until the new season started,didn't want to know to much of what was going to happen. I've just watched episode 3 of the the lastest season and was wondering where Tara and Kyle have gone,I can't remember if Tara's drug problem was...
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    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    Hi,I'm back again with more questions:), I saw 'Seeing Red' last night(finally) I thought it was great especially the begining when Horatio stayed with Officer Harris, it was lovely.What I don't get is why Calleigh showed the photo to Eric and not to Horatio or one of the others and why did Eric...
  14. S

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    I watched the episode last night,I think it's called 'Dissolved',Wolfe told Horatio about Tara,Julia went into the hospital etc,in the epi Ron Saris said he was a confidental informant,did that only come out in this episode or did I miss it somewhere along the way?
  15. S

    'I Have an Episode/Season Question' Thread #2. No Spoilers Please.

    I watched "Wolfe in sheeps Clothing" last night,(still catching up over here) it was good,sorry to all you Calleigh and Eric romance fans but I am not liking it at all,anyway, a couple of weeks ago in an epi Tara stole drugs from the lab and I was wondering will that story line continue in the...
  16. S

    "Family Affair" Tenth Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Just read your full reveiw thanks its great,don't know when its airing over here so I will have to read about it here until I find it online,thanks again.
  17. S

    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    Hi,sorry if the answer to this question is already on the board,I just can't find it.When is the new season starting and will I get it on