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  1. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    I still haven't had a chance to see the new episode but I hope and believe that there will some good C/S moments. Even though it will be for a short time:(. I watched Caged and Crash and Burn recently just to recall old good times:drool: I do really miss these two together in the show ...
  2. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Yeah, I'm sure it will be super cool. On the other hand we should have not expected too much. Still, this is not The L Word *grin*. However we will get some great Cath/Sara moment. Have you already seen the TV Guide, with Marg and Jorja cover and the interview inside? If not read it:) The best...
  3. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Erica, amen to that. I wonder if she has any idea what kind of effect she has on people (regrdless sex) ...;) Well, something tells me that she does ... :devil: I'm so distracted thinking about Marg that I can hardly work! ;) Do you know how many times my colleauges caught me lustfully...
  4. 7

    Catherine/Lady Heather ~ Strawberry Tea

    Totally agree with hhunter. Interesting 'cos there is running very similar discussion on Cath/Sara thread. The problem is (and i've already said on the other thread) that TPTB seems to be a little bit paranoid and ANY (even a light) evidence of anything that may suggest 'inappropriate' (=...
  5. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    I just watched something on YouTube and i run into the Cath/Sara in BTK part 2 ... which is another example of what we've discussed below. I really appreciate that Cath called Sara and she came without any problem, all good. However, I would expect some closer contact, i mean at least a decent...
  6. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Oh I HATE Nesting Dolls. I can't watch it anymore. I wish Sara didn't say what she said. The hurt look at Cath's face always makes my heart sink ... :( Once I couldn't help and yelled on the sceen "Stop it and tell her what had happened to you, she will understand!!!" I hate those angst/hurt...
  7. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Well, I must admit that at the beginning the relationship between Cath/Sara was a little too extreme for me. I got the point that TPTB made it interesting for fans. Sure thing. I mean we were all waiting for next week for another fight but I still think that let Catherine to be unreasonably...
  8. 7

    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    I was so thrilled when found those Marg/Jorja pics. It looks that Marg is really happy to see Jorja. I like that they are friends in really life. I remember how Jorja invited her and Billy at the premiere of her non-CSI project Stay Forever: The Life & Music of Dusty Springfield. I think it...
  9. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Sure, I know about Strawberry Tea thread, so see you there lately ...:) Agree with both of you guys. There were few great f Cath/Sara riendship moments that should have came to more details. As Deirdre mentioned two strong women in one team, they worked together, they went through good and bad...
  10. 7

    Marg/Catherine ~ Not JUST A Pretty Face #8

    Everyone who missed the last episode MUST watch it!! Fantastic Cath's episode. The purple shirt .... Jeez, i was drooling on my keyboard!!:drool: She was 'too sexy for her shirt, too sexy for her shirt so sexy it hurts'!!! Cath and the shirt, Cath and the reading glasses *melt* and Cath and...
  11. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Yeah, i know what you mean ... I'm a 'multiple' Cath shipper ... she too hot just for one ship :drool:. I know this is NOT a post for this thread but I can't help to ask, do you ship Cath/Lady Heather (Strawberry Tea)? Anyway, as you said it is impossible not to love subtext. And we all know...
  12. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Hey, there's something i've found on the other thread that according to me belongs more here. I might have already seen it but just in case ...:) It's interesting and funny at once. And also read the comments, some are pretty cool and just confirm that we are not the only ones who see...
  13. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Deirdre, this is unbelievable but I was thinking the same! I mean I'm just about to rewatch all seasons to catch all those great Cath/Sara moments!! :lol: I've been shipping Cath/Sara for 2 years but it has never been that strong (funny, it came now when there is no chance for new moments ...)...
  14. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Yeah, i remember the episode very clearly i just completely forgot the name! Thanks for refreshing my memory. I will finally watch it again !!! Yes, you have mentioned that one too. Thanks. And I also like the scene in Organ Ginger right after the credit. Cath gives Sara that "check out" look...
  15. 7

    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    Thanks Eri for posting those pics. I love when Marg wears casual clothes. Everything she wears look sooo damn good on her. Totally agree with Criminologist86. Having crush on Marg is so natural:) Even though I think I'm seriously in love with her! :drool:
  16. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Oh, that's great that you mentioned that episode in lunapark. Acually i've been looking for the ep for some time but i can't recall the name!! Do you know what ep it was? I would like to watch it again. Yeah, the first season was great for our girl. I also like Getting Off when the girls...
  17. 7

    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    :lol: yeah, i've noticed that too ... i think TPTB must have been pretty excited that Marg had promoted the show in any occassion :) she's the best!! :thumbsup:
  18. 7

    If you were a GUEST STAR on CSI, which role would you choose?

    A suspect alive, massively flirting with Catherine ... i wish she would tell me to open my mouth for her for DNA sample ...!:devil::devil: Oh yeah .... What is mine is yours , babe ...;)
  19. 7

    Cath/Sara Slash #9: "Keep it between us"

    Totally agree, Deirdre. I was angry 'cos during the season 7 all those great Cath/Sara moments had disappeared. They had stopped working together on cases and everything they've built during the show was suddenly gone with the wind. The last 'good' Cath/Sara moments were in The Good, the Bad and...
  20. 7

    Marg/Catherine picture thread ~ Eye Candy 9.0

    Umm, just the jacket?! I want Marg and the jacket or Marg in the jacket or Marg without the jacket or Marg without any ... oh whatever, i shouldn't have this conversation ....:devil: Anyway, I was looking at the pic and other ones ... how can possibly someone be so gorgeous ... ? the girl takes...