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  1. C

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    dude where is my promo ?? I wanna watch the promo of epi 6 x
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    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Happy B-Day Miss Emily P. :beer:
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    Picture Game #4!

    let me guess Vengeance????
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    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    but if calleigh's leaving could have other a baby coming up for emily (that would be great xD) haha just wanna say taht xXOox
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    Picture Game #4!

    Yup Your Turn
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    Picture Game #4!

    Image Guess..xD
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    Picture Game #4!

    Bait maybe???
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    Picture Game #4!

    is it Not Landing ???
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    It's btw belgian dutch version. so don't blame the dutch people
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    OMG OMG OMG !!!! in dutch there is an article what says: I'm NOT GONNA LET THIS HAPPEN WHO IS WITH ME (I THINK EVERYBODY!!):scream::scream::scream::scream: somethings are wrong i tried to do my best with translate
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    that's not shore with flight risk it was chanched a week before the ep. and i heard now like 5 names for the ep like eric in the wind and the end of the beginning I really don't know i hope that it's right xD
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    sorry one question (more a answer) Beginning of the End starts tomorrow!!! (I heard somewhere the ep would be called The Beginning of the end so maybe it's just the name of the episode. and has it something to do with the flashback. BTW it really doesn't matter for a new character I heard that...
  13. C

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    -this spoiler is moved to a other thread.
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

  15. C

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Hii everyone i have a serouisly problem my pc is dying i can not click at any of the links can pleasse some post the things what are seen in those links i'm tryingto solve the problem it only take's a while thank you very much xXOox
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    my opinion is that Calleigh finds Eric If she doesn't I'll stop watching xD (no way..) :scream::scream::scream::scream: Grr. I hate that. What I've heard that EP wants to get pregnant means alot of things to maybe she founds him halfdead (sorry for my horrorhumor xD:guffaw:) she wishpers to him...
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    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    According to the The Hollywood Reporter Eddie Cibrian is joining the cast of the CBS' crime drama CSI: Miami. He will be a series regular. He will play an officer from the Hollywood division that comes on board the team in Miami. This show from CBS TV Studios and Bruckheimer TV is gearing up for...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    i wanna have babies haha sorry my opinion what would it be if Eric is found 100 feet of the scene with the car where calleigh finds him hurt by a bullet AGAIN!!GRRR:@ haha it would be in my opinion all very sad... that Calleigh doesn't have the power to shoot again because she's affraid to hit...
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    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Allright i just found out that season 8 starts on september 21st 8x1 Last Call 2009-09-21 8x2 Split Second 2009-09-28 8x3 Left For Dead 2009-10-05 8x4 Smoking Gun 2009-10-12 8x5 Under Pressure 2009-10-19 8x6 Coyotes 2009-11-02 8x7 Roadkill 2009-11-09 8x8 Miami Surf and Sun 2009-11-16 8x9 Burn...
  20. C

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    uhm yes Hounds of love in the behind the scenes clip of the finale they say that season 8 will start as season 1 but i hope there is no CLIFFHANGER i'm gonna die if I have to wait until september............ if eric's gone missing and be shot for the 5th time (can you writers don't come up with...