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  1. I

    JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumped.

    Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe So what you are saying is, you would like them to introduce this new behavior slowly, and provide experiences which would back up his new logic. Rather than just do it immediately. I suppose thats a fair request. However...
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    JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumped.

    Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe I don't like to be a jerk, and I don't like to target people, but della I feel I have to respond to this. You are a spectator in this story line, you are a viewer of a television show, one which is very popular, and very...
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    Episode #617 - "To Kill A Predator" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    If you don’t mind I am going to pick here and there from your last post. It may be out of order but I will try to supply the needed context. To begin you have mis-understood my point here and that is law itself is arbitrary, and does not constitute any true system of ethics, or morality; or at...
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    Episode #617 - "To Kill A Predator" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    First of all that is not the result of someone taking the law into their hand, thats the result of idiocy, and a lack of education. Second of all lets get beyond the superficial shall we? The law is ultimately nothing more than an agreed to code of conduct created by politicians who many of you...
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    Horatio Hillary

    Hillary Horatio picture A friend of mine sent me this. He is a photographer in Washington DC, with the post. HC is a little close in that picture don't you think?