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  1. C

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    You see this absence makes no sense at all, and TPTB must be taking note. I mean come on!! how can you have Stella and Mac working constantly close together and Gris and Cath doing the same. the two seniors from the other csi's maintain there closeness, how can H and Cal not!!!!!!
  2. C

    Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

    hello everyone! its nice to meet you all! just want you all to know that I am a D/L shipper for life and they will not be any splitting up of this perfect couple! i will defo sign the petition.
  3. C

    Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

    I'm thinking, its like this whole thing with CSI - They are not going to tell us that Jorja has signed her contract because that will loose the excitment of the opening episode of season 8. They probably want to send us mixed stories of danny/lindsay so we are kept on our toes!
  4. C

    Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

    do we think Carmine has said that to throw us off? or maybe he's playing a prank knowing how much fans want lindsay and danny together.