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  1. S

    CSI Music Video :)

    Hey y'all. To be honest I actually haven't posted on here in almost a year (eep!) and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post something like this but, ehh, why not!? Just wondering if any of you could check out my new (1st ever!) CSI video!
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    CSI LV - Human prey . Rated T mistery/horror

    I like it! =] continue please!
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe aww! more soon!!!!
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    Catherine Family issue

    Aww... pretty dresses=] Write again soon!
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe NO! He can't die! Write more soon!
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe Omg poor Greg!!! Continue ASAP!
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe ^haha yes... this is really good! im addicted to it=]
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    The Longset Month of Sarah Sidle Life

    I hate being sick =[=[ this is good keep it up!
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe keep up the good work!! =]
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    Find Her Series #3 ; So This Is A Family

    oooo. this is really good! =]=]
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe ahh its soo good... we need more =]=]
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    CSI: The Ultimate Quiz for shippers and fans

    I'm Sara... with a little bit of greg, catherine, and nick =]
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    The Promise of the Future-GSR RP

    did everyone forget about this?
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    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe this is reallyyy good.. nice and suspensefull. Keep it up =]
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    Shadows..... CSI LV fanfic. ~SaraCath femslash~

    ooooo... flash of the past?
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    The Promise of the Future-GSR RP

    eep!... more updates please! :)
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    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist Haha i love it!
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    Season 8 Wishlist

    Re: Season 8 Wishlist I definately agree 100000000% :)
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    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    I liked everything except the cliffhanger! =[=[ I wanted to cry when they just ended with her under the car!! :( But then again a cliffhanger war bound to happen! But now we have to wait MONTHS for the new season and I am the most impatient person everrrr!! :rolleyes: I'm mad, upset, and just...
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    "Living Doll" Season Finale Discussion *Spoilers*

    THREE MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH! :lol: