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  1. F

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Goodbye and Good Luck'

    I agree, add that to the fact the CM has declared to TV Guide Jorja will be back, I think it is safe to assume that Jorja will show up at least when William Peterson leaves the show. That said I'll keep an eye on what is happening in the CSI world but I am not sure I will be watching it all...
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    Helgenberger Joins The Picket Line

    Do we know how many episodes the CSI's had in the can before the strike?
  3. F

    A Writers' Strike Is Looming

    It is true without the writers there the shows go nowhere but next year when the actors are on strike the shows go nowhere then too, especially if the actors can use what the writers get now to their advantage. I hope they can work things out but this has the potential to be a big mess...
  4. F

    A Writers' Strike Is Looming

    I think the strike has the potential to be a long one because the studios don't want to budge because they know if they give in to the writers they will be in trouble next year when the actors' and directors' contracts are due for re-negotiation.
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    Sara Will Be Back

    Carol Mendelsohn is more than just a writer now right? Not that I have changed my mind on her believability but she is like Executive something-or-other now, right?
  6. F

    Sara Will Be Back

    If it is true I am very happy to hear Jorja will be back someday but right now it feels more to me that Carol Mendelsohn is just telling the fans what they want to hear to get them of her and CBS's back. Besides how many things that Carol Mendelsohn has said will happen never have? She said they...
  7. F

    Fox: It Was My Call

    Maybe she is really only in episode 8 for a minute or 2 like in A La Cart.
  8. F

    Fox Quits 'CSI'

    I'm not sure I will watch the show that much after Jorja is gone, maybe an episode that sounds good or has a good guest star and of course any episode she comes appears in but not every Thursday that is for sure. As long as they don't ruin her character on the way out. I'll miss the character...
  9. F

    New Faces For CSI

    The Grissom starting a new relationship thing is Ausiello's opinion not fact. In fact on 2 occasions just before GSR became fact he said it would never happen so he is not all knowing. I don't think William Peterson would let them jump to another relationship so so IF his one with Sara ended...
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    Fans Support Fox

    I think it is more at this point to show her what her fans think plus there was a feeling that CBS didn't really want her back so did not make a fair offer.
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    Fox's Fate Is Confirmed

    I can't begrudge her if she wants to go, I'm just glad they did not kill her off. I'm sure there will be comments about greed but I think in the end th 2004 hiring/firing probably left a bad taste in her mouth and 7 years playing 1 character is a long time, in fact Marge talked about how it gets...
  12. F

    Jessica Lucas Joins 'CSI'

    CBSPressexpress says she is only on for 4 episodes which if true and it looks like an official site, is a welcome relief, the cast is fine the way it is. JESSICA LUCAS TO GUEST STAR ON "CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION" LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20 - Jessica Lucas ("The Covenant," "She's the Man") will...
  13. F

    CBS Looking For Jorja Fox Replacement?

    It is true that if she leaves it is her decision but why kill her off? There are other ways to change characters other than death, in fact death is the easiest one, shows no originality. Not to mention it is a slap in the face of her fans and an easy way to alienate them. Catherine and Grissom...
  14. F

    CBS Looking For Jorja Fox Replacement?

    Please the man can not make up his mind, First Jorja is leaving because she is bored then she is about to sign now they are replacing her. He doesn't even know if the new character will be a CSI or a Lab Tech and he left out the end of the quote by Jonathan Littman it's supposed to go: "CSI"...
  15. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    No but you would be an idiot not to ask especially if your peers are making more than you. There is what you need and what is equal and fair.
  16. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    But she has not complained. Her contract is up and she is asking for more, is that a complaint or a negotiation...or are all negotiations complaints? Has she complained how bad she has it, not that I have heard. I have yet to read one comment quoted from her about money, everything we hear is...
  17. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    I don't think Jorja has ever "complained" about her pay, she has asked for a raise, heck so have I, and now that her contract is over it is her right to ask for more just as it is CBS's and CSI's right to not give her what she wants. Negotiations go back and forth, that is why it is called a...
  18. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    It has been mentioned at least once by someone behind the scenes or maybe Jorja herself that she was offered a small raise (I think what the rest of the cast got at the time) when she was brought back but she turned it down becasue at the time George was still not hired back.
  19. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    And like always her detractors will always believe anything that makes her look bad. Really is it so hard to believe that a letter arrived late? Why give her her job back and offer her a raise at the time if she was in the wrong? If she was a money grubber why would she refuse the raise in...
  20. F

    Jorja Fox Involved In New Salary Dispute

    The original article was in the NY Post (not the most reliable paper) who got their information from the Star (on the level of National Enquirer) web sites and papers started reporting the information using the Post article as a source and yesterday TV Guide online had a blurb that may or may...