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  1. C

    Zuiker Discusses Season Three of ‘CSI:NY’

    Why can't you all just accept that this forum contains almost all the people who don't care for Lindsay and Anna? Almost all the questions listed in TVGuide columns as well as E!Online columns focus on D/L, people who write blogs on comment about how they started watching the show...
  2. C

    CSI: New York--'What Schemes May Come'

    What the HELL? This was one of the best parts of the episode. Your hate of Lindsay and Ms. Belknap prevents you from having any sort of objectivity. And its kind of funny that you complain about there being too much Danny/Lindsay interaction when there is ONE single scene, but when there is...
  3. C

    CSI: New York--'Sleight Out Of Hand'

    Thank you for saying this! Kristine is clearly not watching the same show I am watching. Anna Belknap deserves an Emmy for her performance in Silent Night and Sleight out of Hand, much more so than Carmine does for this season. He hasn't been given anything to stretch his acting chops.
  4. C

    CSI: New York--'The Ride In'

    Maybe NY should consider making Robert Joy a main cast member and quit having Angell and Adam taking away Hawkes' and Flack's (and Belknap's when she's there) screentime.
  5. C

    Why Angell must GO

    The character is boring. She brings nothing to the show. Furthermore, she takes screentime away from contract cast members such as Hawkes and Flack. Det. Maka was characterized better in TWO episodes than Angell has been in six. All of the others are characterized far better, including the...