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  1. M

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Hi everybody I work as a teacher I'm 23 and I live in Europe. I started watching CSI about half a year ago. I just finished catching up with all the seasons I had missed and now I'm desperately waiting for every new episode to air :) Greetings to all of you
  2. M

    Best CSI episode ever..

    My favourite episode was a bullet runs trough it. I think it was also quite powerful and it just had a very special atmosphere and I absolutely fell in love with sophia during that episode.I always found here a little annoying before but I really love her since. I just felt really sorry for...
  3. M

    Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

    Hey everybody I usually read that most people think they got together after GD or during the sixth season. I was wondering does anyone of you think that it might have been way earlier maybe even at the beginning of the fifhth season. What do you think about it? In my opinion it could have...
  4. M

    question to fanfic writers

    I have a question to all fanfiction writers: About a month ago I read a very good nick/greg fanfic unfortunately I don't remember in which archive I read it, who wrote it or what the title was. If I remember correctly the summary was: ''There was nothing wrong with their relationship.'' There...