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  1. R

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    LOL, Kissmesweet, you can say that again. Three totally different shows. I've watched LV from the beginning and am a total fanatic. When they went to Miami for the beginning of that series, I tried. I really did. I don't know if its Caruso, or just the overplayed "Miami Vice" scenes...
  2. R

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    ^^^^ PrettyEyes Anna's work on Medical Investigation was the only reason I gave CSI:NY a chance. I'd flipped over to Miami a few times and just hated it, so I didn't even flinch when NY premiered (even though I absolutely adore Gary Sinise). But when I saw her on previews of Season 2 I had to...
  3. R

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    Ok...this might be better in the episode discussion thread but really didn't want to 'stir up' things more than they really are. I really like the actress of Anna Belknap. I'll admit my only reason for starting to watch the show was her. I didn't see any of the episodes before she started...
  4. R

    Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

    ranma posted: "And Mac taking care of the intended victim in the end? Between his legs, between his legs! *fans self*" THAT'S worth a second (and a rewatch of the episode...just to catch that part again...LOL) As far as the other just isn't worth getting into it. For myself, what...
  5. R

    Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

    First, let me start out with adding my enjoyment of this episode, primarily but not exclusively caused by the performance of Criss Angel. Personally, I've never seen Criss Angel Mindfreak or anything else he's been on so my only ill-conceived notions of the man were associated with David...
  6. R

    Grade 'Silent Night'

    This was a really great episode. Despite having a 101 degree temp and needing to get up at 4:30 this morning for work, I stayed up and watched it, and I'm so glad I did. (Of course, I also recorded it to watch later, that's the fun part about VCRs ) No only did we have deaf actors Troy Kotsur...
  7. R

    CSI New York Sites

    Daniela: Try Its a new forum that is being added to daily and looking for people to contribute. Membership is not required to reply to posts.