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  1. C

    One time I watched CSI and...

    The first time I watched Grave Danger, My entire family was all talking at the TV. Encouraging Nick, giving the CSI's orders, and for once I didn't care. It's so funny to look back though, because we're all like, "Nick, don't you DARE pull that trigger!"
  2. C

    Do the characters remind you of someone you know?

    Sara Sidle reminds me of my older sister.
  3. C

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Hey, I'm new to your board here. I've read the discussions on the cast interviews you guys get, and decided I wanted to be a part of your group. I've watched CSI since the middle of Season Four, The premieres and finales are bigger holidays than Christmas at my house. We all get together and...
  4. C

    What is your favorite CSI character?

    My Favourite Las Vegas Character is probably Greg these days, New York is a draw between Flack and Danny, and I like Ryan from Miami.