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  1. K

    Ugly Betty

    the UK is up to episode 8. I did used to like Walter, he was kind of a quirky/wierd character but then Henry came along. Him and Betty are so adorable!lol
  2. K

    Dancing on Ice

    I want either Emily or Lee to be voted out next, they are the weakest contestants left in the competition
  3. K

    Ugly Betty

    I saw the new trailer for Ugly Betty on E4 and Henry and Betty kiss! i really want them to get together, i cant stand Walter
  4. K

    Dancing on Ice

    Im really glad Stephen's finally gone too, he was a terrible skater. Also, how great was Kyran yesterday? he's easily the best male celeb in the show
  5. K

    Dancing on Ice

    I hope either Ulrika or Stephen Gately go tonight, i dont like either of them
  6. K

    Dancing on Ice

    Its like he's trying to be the Craig Revel Horwood of Dancing on Ice,and that new Russian female judge is Arlene,lol
  7. K

    Dancing on Ice

    Anyone else been watching this? Its no-where near as good as Strictly come dancing but its still good Saturday evening tv. Im supporting Kieran Bracken this year, he was great last saturday! I cant belive Foxy went, i wanted Stephen Gately to go instead
  8. K


    I have to agree about the episode with the wierd alien eye: it was awful! such a rubbish and weak storyline, plus Jack wasnt in it much :( Bu my episode has to be Captain Jack Harkness: 2 Captain Jacks and they were both hot! :) and End of Days was easily one of the best episodes too
  9. K


    Im not really a fan or the Jack/Ianto relationship but i hope Jack and Gwen dont get together in the next series: i would hate her so much if that happened,lol :)
  10. K


    Didnt anyone apart from me and Ceindreadh watch the last two episode?lol
  11. K


    I would have posted here about the last 2 episodes but i couldnt find this thread! anyway, i thought both the episodes were great, easily the best of the series. Although i did prefer the first part: the Jack/Jack relationship was portrayed so well and i have to admit i did have a tear in my eye...
  12. K

    Best of 2008

    Re: Best of 2006 Film: Casino Royale and Superman Returns Song: You're all i have- Snow Patrol Show: House Book: Harry Potter and the Half blood prince (was that 2006 or last year?) Actor: Johnny Depp Actress: Kate Bosworth (i would have said Keira Knightley but i hated the scene in POTC2 where...
  13. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    I was wondering when the Christmas special was recorded too, but i think it was before the final. I wanted Colin to win too because he was fantastic! i really did think Emma would win but the studio audience did the right thing and didnt vote for her, :) it seemed as though all she did in the...
  14. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    Claire went a bit wrong at the end of the samba: she carried on dancing after the music had stopped. And im so glad Mark and Karen won as well! they were fantastic and their salsa was amazing, it really deserved four 10's. Cant wait for the Christmas special but what am i suppossed to watch on a...
  15. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    did anyone see Craig and Anton singing on It takes two yesterday? It was hilarious because they both kinda sounded drunk and can think they can sing, but really that cant (especially craig,lol)
  16. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    Mark and Karen should definately win the series, but i want Zoe and Ian to win the Christmas special
  17. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    RBC i agree, Mark and Karen's Argentine Tango was fantastic! The score of 39 was thoroughly deserved and he should definately go through to the final. I still want Emma to go, she was overscored again,and while Matt wasnt as good as the other two, i dont want him to get voted out
  18. K

    Strictly Come Dancing series 4

    In the Christmas Radio Times, it said there will be 6 couples in the Christmas SCD special, so far Zoe Ball, Colin Jackson, Mark and Louisa are lined up to be in it. Does anyone know who the other 2 couples will be in it? (I hope Emma's not in it, as you might have guessed i dont like her,lol)
  19. K

    Casino Royale

    ok,here's the picture (i hope the link works) try not to drool too much,lol :)